Nullsec Alliance Cowardice Ladder

Maybe consider posting when you exist on the KB


Love solo frigate pvp

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Love popping solo frigates

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I just wanted to drop in and say that this post gave me a few good laughs and that I enjoyed reading it start to finish. I’m going to take your alliance reviews with a pinch of salt (as I think is intended) but please continue as it makes for great reading.


Ill just leave this here for you,

a point docked from the goons!

You are being a little bit disingenuous…

So its okay for you to 2v1 against the bait ship? But when they hotdrop you then its not fair anymore?

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And I will likewise leave this with you: were you flying with friends as I was saying should be a totally OK thing to do, or were you still looking for the sacrosanct 1v1s you seem to deem to be the sole way to “not be a coward”?

For some reason your corp shows up 4 times in the BR, and last I checked 4 > 1.

I’m not shaming you here, mad props for flying with friends, sucks that it ended this way. Just dismayed for some reason you feel the need to “zing” me with something that is not a zinger at all (and kind of proves my point to begin with).

oofff doctrine vs anything you can fly

SRS are a pretty salty bunch.

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Haha i can’t deal with you man, you’re too silly.

Further, your BR doesn’t show the FIVE (5) Apostles they dropped in addition to the redeemers and marshalls

So we’re talking about ~150b verus 3b and you still… dont… get the point man!!!

I am generally confused by your behavior, re-opening a conversation that died 2 weeks ago.

You and your boys could be the ones dropping 150b on the field on someone else’s 3b instead and I would still say “glad you’re having fun”.

I get that you want to yell “cowards” at big F1-monkey fleets full of people too scared to PvP otherwise, which is pretty much the opposite of a bunch of friends who’re multiboxing multiple toons each flying billions of ISK worth. I make a distinction here, you don’t.

It’s you who doesn’t get the point: you want to keep :poop:-ing on people who genuinely enjoy PvP – just not the way you like it. You keep thinking I’m talking about the “cowards” who never PvP except to show up for big mandated fleet fights. We’re in consensus there, but you then lump genuine PvP enjoyers like those BLOPS guys into that “coward” group. I don’t. You don’t get this. Not my problem.


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Could you review some WH corps/alliances?

I didn’t read all the replies so idk if someone already asked this

But the irony is that those people are no less likely to lose a ship than solo PvP-ers. A smaller fleet of around 20 to 30 can bring enough logi to support everyone, but a fleet of 100 or more…especially one that is manoevering about the grid often…is far more vulnerable to the enemy targeting a single ship, and logi being too busy just surviving to offer help. I’ve never lost a ship in a fleet of 30 or less. It’s only in those big blob fleets that I’ve had ship loss. So the idea that there is safety in big blobs and it all makes the exercise somewhat ‘cowardly’ is an illusory one. The reverse is actually the case.

I don’t agree.

In the fleets I’m talking about those ships are usually SRPd which is why the cowards bother to show up at all, doesn’t matter „how likely“ the loss is.

I once observed turnout in a nullsec war declined significantly when SRP went from 100% to 50% payout. :joy: All the parasites suddenly had somewhere else to be IRL other than Eve Online for specifically the fleet hours. But they had no problems running Havens and Sanctums in the hours before and after.

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SRP is nice to have…but whether I turn up for a big fleet is far more likely to be determined by whether I want ship kill or loss on my killboard for a char. With SRP I’m largely getting back some of the corp donations I’ve made anyway…but nothing can blot out a killboard loss.

There is also an irony, I guess, that some of my best killboard ends up being on noob chars that I take more risk with and which nobody has ever heard of. But I think that is also a factor.

Sure, there are likely some ( more than likely poorer ) members who only show up because there is SRP, but it certainly isn’t a majority.

Killboard warrioring isn’t any better.

Nah…my view is that killboard not only matters but is the only thing that matters in Eve. I don’t see any other reason for playing. Nobody cares or even knows how much ISK I have. Nobody cares how much I mine or how much I haul or what big fancy ships I can spin in dock or intentionally loiter in with a ’ look at me…I’ve got a Paladin’ stance. The only real lasting sign that one has done anything in Eve is one’s killboard record. People claim not to care about killboard…but those very people also spend a lot of time posting it.

There is a nuanced difference between having a killboard, and trying to actively manipulate it.