October Release - General Feedback

What is the average distance between stars again?
We could just remove jump gates at this point.

Edit: according to Google, 1 light year is a bit more than 63k AU, which makes the distance of your warp… over 194k light years. You’re not actually going anywhere, you’re just warping around the cluster.

dumb me not streching the tab…
its 16bil AU, I think I’m gonna skip it this time…


What a quitter :stuck_out_tongue: where is the HTFU attitude? :smiling_imp:


What a fantastic release full of sweeping changes that revitalise the game! :rofl:


Place-value scammed by the cosmos itself :slight_smile:

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Time to fix a MAX AU warping ship. :rocket:

New Contest!


When you minimize the station overview, it does not minimize to the Neocom, so no way to get it back up. You have to undock by right clicking your current ship and redock to get the overview back.

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take a Freighter :smiley:


Not sure why but I do not think that making asteroid belts content even harder to see is a good thing… Bu that may be just me.

This patch broke so many things, it’s rather funny that CCP even calls out any fixes. :joy:

103 ERRORS in 50 minutes seems a bit much. How about fixing things that have been broken for a while?

*Yes, I have filed tickets…

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Hi there, I’ve taken a look at this and the station services are minimized to my Neocom
Is this not the case for you?

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Well, they managed to make PI more of a pain in the ass than it is worth. Can’t manage all your PI sitting in you home station, from the People and Places window. At the very least, you now have to fly to the system, go to the Warp To tab in overview, find your planets then right click on them in order to finally get to the ‘view planetary production’ to manage things. What GENIUS came up with THIS?


the feckin lol is CCP removed deep space bookmarks years ago, and now we gonna get more.

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Ok, this attempt has gotten old. If I could set AP for the site…

On 8 clients, same problem, does not minimize to the Neocom. I have tried logging out and back in, still have the problem. I have restarted the launcher, still did not resolve the issue.

This is on player owned structures, I have not tried it in NPC stations.

Ah, occurring for me in Upwell Structures! Thanks for the report, we’ll look into it

And we appreciate you doing so. This is listed in the known issues under the Known Issues thread, we are working on it now.

Is this a know B̶U̶G̶ issue? He’s hauling ₳₴₴!!!

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So far it looks like I’m winning this contest.
It’s in Uedama.


Sweet space jesus…

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