October Release - General Feedback

Someone should head closest to Jove space he can …
… and start scanning. :slight_smile:


EVE Online new Discovery Project

FUN :stuck_out_tongue:

just few AU to Conduit…



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Small-but-nice QoL improvements on certain things. I’m hoping this is a fairly low-key release to allow for more substance in the next one, which can be hyped at Vegas.

In particular, continuous balance passes are still needed, for ships and especially structures. In low- and null-sec, structure bashes (with TZ tanking) are so boring and pointless that few (none?) of even the largest groups bother with them any more on a meaningful level. We need significant changes that encourage aggressive player activity instead of stifling it.


you flagged Bill and Ben gard people are pussies


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Clearly the release that will fix this game…
0,0 has not been this dead since 06, low sec with its FW is worse than ever.
For a moment we thought you were actually gonna do something about this stale ■■■■ that 0,0 has become with your blackout, but you listen to bots and bears. And when it comes to twitter, all you do is tweet about your “amazing” skin sales.

When the heck did this become all about carebears and microtransactions?
Dont you see that every pvper in 0,0 alliances have stopped logging in?

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This is not a bug.
It’s chaos.


and the launcher is broken……ureaaaaa

Turns out that all the highsec pubbies complaining that nullsec gives too good rewards for too little risk are right, if you could so easily steal a blueprint worth few hundred billions of ISK with a DST and get away with it.
Maybe I owe them an apology :slightly_smiling_face:

Really? i had just decided to reset my 36 planets to do PI. I think if this is in place i may just reconsider. Unless i want to get a skin this game is getting worse.

Click on your NeoCom “E” to expand the menus.

Hover over “Industry”

Select Planetary Installations

You should be able to access your plants there and see what’s being stored / produced there

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No, he is using the worst way to access his plantes. Now there is a button on Neocom that opens up all yor planets at once.

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Be sure to save those distant locations :slight_smile:

Apologies, this isn’t an intended change, we’ll look into this!

As Spugg details here this will work as an alternate method for the time being:

https://i.imgur.com/ZAqSosH.png Am I crazy or was the “edit bookmark” option in the bookmark radial menu moved from 4 o’clock to 12 o’clock? I keep dragging my mouse down instead of up when I go to edit a bookmark using this feature…

So there is some kind of new Trig system effects in this release but I can’t find any details. I just warped into a system that was a Trig invasion system yesterday but no longer. On going thru the gate I get wall of text saying something something “Seems the Trigs have used the Sun to …” , I managed to read the first line before it all disappeared. Come on CCP this is pathetic.

The Malagrin Marshlight skin line… were/how and when ? becouse it’s says its ‘Available’

I can see from market history that sellers of small warp core optimizer rigs were happy for one day. Emergent Conduit bug should have stayed for few more days as it started competition among players who can warp the furthest :slightly_smiling_face:


So space is now an exploit?

Increased the size of Pirate Shipyard caches. Meanwhile in High Sec, stealing the mission objective from a PvE player has been content since the beginning of the game. Here I am thinking that Risk vs Reward would be a 45° line on a graph. Turns out is a bell curve with High Sec somewhere in the middle.

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