Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Hmmm. As you say, sir, but:

This is a meaningful distinction-- a defining distinction, to the Caldari mind. To them, “blending” is a loss of identity, a diminishing of self. Perhaps it can be that, and still also “a beautiful example of unity and solidarity,” but the Caldari can’t see it that way.

To the Caldari, this world is a crucible, where all who dwell within are tested-- not relentlessly, for where is the test if the subject is given no opportunity to grow soft and complacent? But inevitably, and without mercy.

The ultimate goal and purpose of the Caldari is to survive-- to face and withstand the test, at all cost. To them, it is their very unblended cultural identity that makes them strong, able to stand against all that comes.

They’re afraid you’ll make them and (more importantly) their descendants weak and complacent as (to their eyes) you are. And when the test (once winter and war, now gods-know-what) comes, they’ll be found wanting and die.

To put it from a slightly different angle, you are a test of their will. Your way is nothing if not attractive, but if they allow themselves to be seduced, they will perish alongside you.

The right to remain themselves, undiluted, is one they hold as precious, even sacred. It’s why they don’t require or even encourage their clients to conform: to them, every way of life should stand or fall on its own merits (or lack of same), and to require change is to rob a people of its fair opportunity to compete on its own terms.