I have no issue at all with the Khanid people being disenfranchised. That’s on them. If they want democracy, then they need to take it for themselves.
I do, however, have issue with anyone claiming that they are being ‘represented’ by Chakaid, or that they can establish how representative Derp-Duke Chakaid is of the Khanid people in either direction.
Chakaid does not represent the Khanid people. Chakaid doesn’t claim to represent the Khanid people. Chakaid is, as he claims:
He represents King Khanid. Not ‘the Khanid people’ or ‘the Khanid masses’. He doesn’t give a crap about the masses, or about their interests. He cares about power: who has it, and how he can get more of it. That’s it.
Just like any other Blooder.
Just like his King.