Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

To take pride in your success being based on service to others rather than at their expense is not uniquely Caldari, and frankly warrants respect.


As I said: IF Grath were to give that order, it would be followed. Having talked to Grath more than once, I don’t expect he’d give that order, even if he did come back.

The conflict began over a year ago, because when we came north in YC 120, Sort Dragon negotiated a peace deal with us after we killed half a dozen Keepstars belonging mostly to PanFam, and basically made his space unliveable. That was also the occassion of Killah’s immortal order for NCPL pilots to dock up all their faction supercapitals—a smart order, but not exactly an inspiring one.

Gobbins, in particular, got mad at Sort over the deal. I don’t know if the problem was Sort securing a bit of breathing space for Horde while we had all of Geminate more or less shut down on ratting and mining, or if it was because we wouldn’t give anyone but DeadCo the full 3-month ‘we won’t attack you’, since Sort was the only one on that side paying us off. Either way, Gobbins got butthurt, and immediately declared war on DeadCo. A little while later, NCdot declared they were stepping into the conflict in support of DeadCo… and then promptly shot them anyway.

Of course, as Sort will happily tell people: that sort of knife in the back is pretty much par for the course with Vince. Which is why, last year when we came north again to punish NCdot this time, Sort decided he’d had enough of Vince, and went on his own offensive—the war you’re talking about is the same war that started 16 months ago.

And for the record: CVA and Provibloc have been fighting to hold that space for at least twice as long as your alliance has existed. They don’t need you coming around trying to tell them ‘I only hit you because I love you’. And the Trigs aren’t nearly as big a threat as you seem to believe. If they were… then you wouldn’t see tiny little dread groups from the empires as their response. You’d see titans and supercarriers, with full fax support. You’d see the empires taking it seriously.

I mean, ok. You’re new. You haven’t seen what it really looks like when capsuleers go to war. You’ve seen… what? Eagles? Muninns? A battleship fleet or two? Dread bombs of two dozen ships? If the empires really took the Triglavian threat seriously… they’d go to war like we go to war… when we really go to war.

I promise. Nothing you’ve seen so far even comes close.

Even if you disregard the metaphysical - if I count the number of people who are still around from the original squad I started with, there’s two of us (myself and LaFond). Some of the folks who have left space are still alive, of course - but many of them will not be, eventually, having opted to go back to baseline. And a lot of them are dead - suicides, clone failures, deaths on stations without soft clones, neurodegenerative diseases, and some shady ■■■■ strictly on the list of things we are not talking about.

Capsuleers die. They die all the time. Before the Sundsele attacks, it was true that I had, in a decade, lost more capsuleer friends than I had baseliner kin.

The “immortality” is an illusion, a recruiter marketing scam.


Neither, really. Wasn’t about you at all. Or, to be honest, a fair chunk of Trigger Happy. Kendarr wanted to try his hand at running an alliance, after years of running a SIG, and he went forth with the rest of the Directorate’s blessings and well-wishes. Now that other concerns have sidelined him, and penifSMASH has moved in… well, there’s been a bunch of folks coming home, from what I’ve heard.

Not all that surprising, either. After all, penif is one of the raging douches that basically destroys whatever alliance he joins, unless there are strong enough personalities to keep him in check. Grath and Elise could do that. Hedliner couldn’t. Nobody in Snuff could. Much as I respect the work Mark did over the years with EG and SV, he doesn’t have the charisma, and Pitts—whom I still have a fond regard for—for all his solid stuff with the Incursion squad…

He’s exactly the kind of guy penif likes to put out in front, then undercut. Real supportive to his face, but keep an eye out for the trickle of ‘important’ people moving into Elitist Ops. And if anyone calls him on his poisonous crap, it’s ‘just a joke’. But he won’t be, because he’s smart, and he states behind the scenes.

The Locustfleet hit in Fountain? Classic penif move, but look at all the people clamoring to take credit. Olmecca Gold? Seriously? She doesn’t have the dreads for it. Pitts, for all his crowing, wasn’t anywhere near it. He just convinced the Karmafleet spy to get burned over a single drop that had us laughing as much as them[1]. But that’s penif: likes to make sure he’s got people between himself and the bright lights. Passes rumors to Killah he knows aren’t true as ‘a joke’ because he knows Killah’s tenure on the CSM means he’s contractually obligated to report them back to CONCORD, and it’ll cause problems for Brisc.

Wasn’t about you. But there’s snakes in your nest, now. Watch your ankles.

1. In fact, I was laughing with Pitts about it in a convo I opened up before it had even ended. Pitts is a great guy to hang around with.

I will admit I have not see penif work yet, as I mostly tend to fly under people like Outlawed. But yes things have change since Kendarr had to step away, some not for the better.

But as you said, we definitely have gained some unsavory people over the last few months

I consider selflessness to my people and my society a greater virtue than more selfish pursuits. As for masters in the State? There exists a hierarchy of power, and no, obedience to that authority is not slavish when it is volunteered willingly in the pursuit of virtues such as discipline, patriotism, and a principled work ethic.

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i sometimes look into mirror and see a humanoid reptilian what does it mean

edit: Why did I type this?

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You need to use more moisturizer.


Or possibly drink less tea.


Are you perhaps a Federal politician?

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Knowing who Quatrevaux is, I am absolutely not surprised.

Nauplius vs Quatrevaux: An Explainer


  • Hates Minmatar
  • Murders innocents
  • Genocidal maniac
  • Disowned by Amarr loyalists
  • Trademarks: “fornicating abolitionists”, “wicked/vile”


  • Hates spiders
  • Murders at gridball
  • Maniac on the dance floor
  • Disowned by his daughter for embarrassing her in public
  • Trademarks: “And how does that make you feel?”, various dad jokes

Well, that’s one positive. Not sure if it makes up for the others, though.

I don’t know about that, but in my experience putting cyber before something makes it a fair bit cooler at least.

ware > cyberware
knight > cyberknight
cheesecake > cybercheesecake

The list goes on.


They could have lasers attached.

:biohazard::parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :biohazard:

pillow > cyberpillow…

A cyberpillow seems unconfortable.

Unless it was a thin membrane to keep it always cold so i don´t need to turn it around. That i would like.

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Noble Appliances 102 Light Ash Blonde.


Do you know why GalNet is called a medium?
Because it isn’t rare and it isn’t well done.