Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Well I am sure Arri can correct me if I was wrong but I think it was intended as a general you, not as you-specifically.

Sansha kinda did it. Quite well actually.

What is Art ?

Would that include the sensation of killing people with a mere thought, or the sensation of having that ability?



This doesnā€™t even come close to being true.

Arrendis has a strange habit of quoting people and then saying things that have nothing to do with the people quoted. Or, at times, the quote itself. Instead, she offers whichever thoughts occurred to her along the general theme of that quote.

Come to think of itā€¦ why should I worry about the maybes and the naysayers when I have a man as wonderful as this by my side?

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I do my best!

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Her nameā€™s not Art! >.>

It is absolutely true. Weā€™re just troupe primates whoā€™ve done very well for ourselves, and we still have the same instincts as any other primate.

Why worry about them at all? Just donā€™t go investing too much of your self-worth in someone elseā€™s opinion of you. Never know what might happen in the future, after all. First, like who you are.

I like Arrendisā€™s Ability to form a Logical Argument.

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My working theory is that having to deal with goons on a daily bases does not leave a lot of room for intellectually stimulating conversations, so instead the IGS is one of the few opportunities she has.

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Indeed there are several shared behaviour patterns, however, putting all primates on the same theoretical bag is coalescing what should not.

Bonobo and Chimpanzee while close relatives, have quite different social structures and conflict-solving patterns, just like we do.

To recognize the influence of our ancestors is not the same as being determined by them or chained by their actions.

Intellectually stimulating? This ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  place?

The IGS has been having pretty much the exact same conversation for at least the last six years Iā€™ve been around, and thatā€™s not even ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  counting all the people complaining that they were already bored of those same conversations from years before me.

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No, it really can be. And sometimes something really interesting emerges out of even the old churn.

It does feel like the overall bitterness has gotten pretty deep, though.


If itā€™s so awful, why are you posting here so much?

Not every conversation or post thatā€™s on here has been the greatest thing ever written, but thereā€™s been plenty of things on here that Iā€™ve though were good bits of content or have helped me in some way.

I like the IGS.


This is place is generally worse than fleet comms.

IGS is a peculiar game. For it to be considered a reprieve from anywhere would be a scathing commentary on that place.