This right here. Seems to be some hip thing to bash the IGS. It’s just weird it’s usually the people who seem to read and write it who do. Don’t think you’re contributing to an intelligent discussion? Why don’t you ■■■■ off to blow something up and leave the adults to talk.
I just block people like Joringer who can’t write a coherent sentence without a bunch of expletives. Saves me time and frustration.
It’s not bashing to say the IGS is no break for anyone, and at least one of the previous posts is an excellent example of one of its more frustrating elements. To hold those who think as you do in higher esteem than those who do not is a principle that permeates near every discussion on here.
Because I’m an ■■■■■■■ and I like company that doesn’t just have to take my ■■■■■■■■, but is here purposefully to eat it and ■■■■■■■■ like it?
I like the IGS, too, but it’s not intellectually stimulating. It’s a ■■■■■■■ cesspit of knuckle-dragging urchins and the worst ■■■■■■■ people in New Eden. So I fit right in. Anybody pleasant, intelligent, or stimulating to talk to would have long ago given up this place for ■■■■■■■ dead and only kept checking it for party invitations.
■■■■, I’m definitely not talking to yinz rotting ■■■■ because yinz guys are going to say something I haven’t heard before or thought of, and I’m definitely not here for the ■■■■■■■ people skills. I’m here for ■■■■■■■ catharsis.
It is what you make of it. If you hunt out the good, you find the good; likewise, if you hunt out pedantic pessimistic arguments (and Arrendis, har har har), you can’t be too surprised at the outcome. I guarantee you if you stop going for ad hominems and enough F-bombs to glass a planet, things will seem better. But I just reread your post and,
I’m not sure if you care for ‘better’.
■■■■ no! If I want better, I go where better’s at. Why hunt for ■■■■ worth listening to for more than entertainment value when you can actually go places and not ■■■■■■■ hunt?
Only reason to be here ain’t picking flowers, it’s watching the train wrecks.
There are awful people who post here, sure.
But if you look through the board and find nothing intellectually stimulating, I daresay that speaks worse of you than it does the IGS.
Just because you’re a dumbass doesn’t mean that there’s not also plenty of highly intelligent people on the IGS.
Maybe you can rectify this by trying to think once in a while, then.
Oh? What’d I ■■■■■■■ miss, Princess? What world shaking revelations are going on that I somehow ■■■■■■■ missed?
Maybe you’re just a little easier to stimulate than I am.
Well, how about we all wait for them to ■■■■■■■ show up.
I find Many of the Threads on the IGS to be Interesting, as they provide different Perspectives.
My view is that there are plenty of stimulating topics on the IGS. Things to consider and debate from a logical, reasoned standpoint.
That doesn’t happen here.
What happens is this: Someone starts a great topic. Within ten replies, maybe 20 on a good day, someone devolves it into bigoted, racist, or otherwise hateful rhetoric. Not long after that, it turns into emotional attacks. And like others have said, we’ve been down that road many, many times. It turns into the same arguments over and over.
In person, I’ve had wonderful talks with many of the folks here (including and especially you, Arsia). But here? Something about the medium changes people, and that includes me. I’m not sure what it is, but it happens, and it sours everything.
If we could have actual discussions and debates here without emotions and personal vendettas and whatnot getting in the way, I think this would be a fabulous place. But that doesn’t happen. This is a truly hateful, self-hating place.
There is good that comes of it, and that’s getting to meet many of the pilots here face-to-face. As my beloved has said, the real value is getting to know the real people away from this venue.
See, for me, what I mean when I say this place is worse than fleet comms (which, remember, is a direct response to the whole ‘having to deal with goons on a daily basis[1]’ thing), is… on fleet comms, we might bicker some, we might annoy one another, but we’re generally all pulling together, in the same direction. No matter how much some of the people in fleet make me want to slap them every time they open their mouths, they’re in those comms because they’re trying to achieve the same objectives I am. They’re helping me, I’m helping them. They blow up the guys trying to kill me, I make sure their hull doesn’t crack like an egg being hit with a 10lb sledge.
Here… it’s not a matter of ‘intelligent discussions’, it’s the lack of any cohesion. This is, as others have said, a place where people come to tear others down. It’s a place where no matter how intelligent the discourse is (and it often gets very intelligent), the odds are pretty good you’re never more than a few minutes away from Joringer’s ilk.
1. I know I’ve said similar things to the one I’m objecting to here, in the past. Look, I can trash-talk my alliance and the people in it. I’m one of them. Outsiders can’t.
One thing you are missing is that if you speak to people like a condescending asshole, they are going to assume you are a condescending asshole, which cannot but change how they behave towards you.
Just for the record…
I am a condescending asshole. Sometimes. I’m also a fairly nice person when I can be, but make no mistake, I am totally a condescending asshole when I think people have earned it.
He knows, and he is in fact a condescending asshole. On his best days. It’s something he’s quite proud of.
■■■■, everyone is. It’s always a question of opportunity; they are when they can be, hence the IGS. Plenty of people come here trying to be nice and they get reamed just as hard. Why? Because someone doesn’t ■■■■■■■ like what they’ve got to say, ■■■■ how they say it. Could even be someone saying something ■■■■■■ up, as long as it’s the kind of ■■■■■■ up that reinforces their worldview? It’s good. ■■■■■■■ Hel, Miss Elsebeth Why-Should-I-Be-Polite-To-The-Enemy-While-I-Pal-With-Serial-Killers Rhiannon ought to probably have known that ■■■■ before she ran her mouth like she’s got any room to talk.
The worst part is that everyone’s just waiting for that opportunity to be a ■■■■. So all the rest of it? All this pretending to respectfully disagree? All this pretending to give a ■■■■ about anyone else or any of their feelings? All a ■■■■■■■ lie. Respect ain’t unconditional, it never ■■■■■■■ is. You’ll get respect until the very second you say some ■■■■ people don’t like, and then you’re ■■■■■■■ done. Like I’m even the worst piece of ■■■■ here, but some people are pretty selectively ■■■■ to each other, so they still get some wet ■■■■ kissing up until they sack up and bite someone it ain’t convenient to bite.
So why the ■■■■ would I want anyone to pretend to ■■■■■■■ like me until they know what they can get out of me? At least I know everyone honestly hates my guts.
I don’t frankly think you have any idea what I was talking about. Again, you seem to respond to me, but what you say makes no sense in the context I thought we were in.
Enough of this, I think.
You just reminded me of a poem.
(As any translation, it messes a lot with the form, so bare with the theme)
Intimate verses
No one, as you have seen, was at your last
Chimera’s awe-inspiring funeral.
Ingratitude — that panther — has been all
Your company, but it has been steadfast!
Get used to mud: soon it will hold you fast!
Man living among wild beasts on this foul
And sordid earth cannot resist the call
To turn himself as well into a beast.
Here, take a match. Now light your cigarette!
A kiss is but the eve of being spat,
A stroking hand, my friend, may stone you too.
If your great wound still saddens anyone,
Cast at that vile hand stroking you a stone,
Spit straight into the mouth that kisses you!
Eh, sounds bitchier than my point, but if that’s what it reminds you of, that’s what it reminds you of. Least you ■■■■■■■ tried to get it.
Stop helping the trains wreck. Please. There are a multitude of people here who have some sort of genetic disposition to knee jerking anything that’s directed at them and if you fuel that you’re really just helping make any semblance of decentness this place has… uh… less… of a semb…l…a…n…ce? ???
You know what I mean. I’m too pretty to have to think hard.
The ■■■■ they need my help for? I didn’t ■■■■■■■ invent ■■■■ conversation and bring it unto the huddled masses or anything.