Except… that’s not conflict. All of those physical mechanics work in a continuous harmony. Energy is transferred, distributed, spreads out, and becomes more diffuse over time. Temporary turbulence is just fractal recursion writ large. There’s no conflict in it, only the limits of our understanding and perception.
And this happened… without conflict. The decline of the Jove had nothing to do with violence or conflict, internal or external.
None of the Four are practicing ‘total war’. Not a single one. Even the worst of their planned atrocities are contained within the systems all four of them have designated as CONCORD-overseen war zones. They are happening where all four empires literally agreed ‘that’s where they should happen’. What’s more, they’re exercising considerable restraint within those warzones. They even have designated arenas with limitations on how large a ship you can get in.
That’s not ‘total war’. That’s not even close. When total war erupts, you’ll see titans firing doomsdays at planets. It’s happened before, and killed nearly the entire biosphere. When the gloves come off… someone will get desperate, and it will happen again.
Somehow, you see conflict and cooperation as only opposites, rather than often being complements. Two groups have similar aims, but different ideas how to go about achieving them. This produces conflict in the form of rivalry and competition. Inevitably, as the competition continues, each side finds lessons to learn from the other, and each side is pushed to further improve and refine their own methods, and so both benefit.
Even when the conflict turns violent, each side learns, each side improves, and thus, each side is better-positioned to survive future conflicts against different foes. Conflict and cooperation aren’t an either/or. They’re all part of the same fractals as turbulence, and we just don’t see the small moments and supermassive patterns as part of the same unified whole.
To some degree… don’t we already do exactly that? The industrialist who finds a better way to produce at less cost. The leader whose choices of method determine whether they fail, and are replaced, or succeed and prosper. In the marketplace of ideas, different ways to achieve your goals compete—the struggle. Some succeed, while others fail… the proving. It’s all the same thing, just… sometimes… less violent.
I definitely don’t want to end up like the Jove that we thought we knew. And I don’t want to end up like what we think we know of the Drifters or the Collective… but we still don’t actually know anything about either, really. If we knew about the State what we know about the Collective, we’d know… the location of the warzone, a few ship types (probably Ravens, Blackbirds, and Ospreys), that their culture weeds out the unfit and exalts individual self-reliance in the furtherance of collectivist effort. And when Grandpa can’t carry his own weight anymore, he’ll do the right thing and go wander off to freeze to death outside during the winter.
We don’t actually know much at all about the Collective or the Drifters. But I promise you: nothing we’ve seen from the ‘Big Four’ has come close to the ‘total war’ level of conflict you’re afraid of since… the Rebellion, maybe longer. Even the Battle of Caldari Prime saw the Caldari Admiral exercise restraint… even in the face of Heth’s monstrous intentions.