Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Perhaps obvious to you; by the time something is subject to the edict of an Imperial Sword Marshal, I do not view it as collateral in the least.

In fact notably in accord with #1, neither of the other two you postulated really apply.

No, at that point, it’s an act of war outside of the scope of the CEWMPA, since planetary assaults don’t actually involve Capsuleers at all.

Which, let’s face it, is why CONCORD’s spent almost two years arguing about it now.

You are suggesting that two years of deadlock indicates a clear and unmitigated act of war? Unlikely but fascinating, please continue constructing whatever this is.

No, I’m suggesting that a clear and unmitigated act of war can cause two years of deadlocked squabbling. It’s a subtle difference, but I trust you can understand it.

I think I can keep up, but for the benefit of those watching; with it being by your reckoning, such a clear unmitigated act of war, why might it be that CONCORD have made no assertions to that effect? Indeed, if CONCORD’s response is so unsatisfactory, do you have any theories why the Republic has persevered within that framework in preference to action outside it?

If it’s such a clear and unmitigated act of war, why would a peacekeeping organization dependent on the four empires for its funding, with both Amarr and Caldari members on the Inner Circle, not make a clear assertiontion about it?

Gosh, I don’t know, let’s think of possible reasons…

Maybe 2/5 of the Inner Circle can keep the others talking about it all under the pretext of ‘looking for a solution’? Maybe those two can use procedural means to prevent a final determination? Maybe they can just straight up veto any kind of declaration?

I mean, unless you’ve got a copy of all of the rules and procedures of the CONCORD Inner Circle laying around, we really can’t rule any of those out, now can we?

Or maybe CONCORD just doesn’t want to piss off two of its major funding sources by denouncing the actions of the Empire?

AS for ‘theories why the Republic has persevered within that framework in preference to action outside it’… I mean, I could point out that the Republic wouldn’t win an unlimited war with the Empire, and the Tribal Council’s got a responsibility to the nation as a cosmopolitical entity, as well as one to the people in it. Or maybe ‘gosh, Shakor doesn’t want to risk his power by losing a war’.

After all, for all we know, the Republic is just staying engaged in the political process as a cover for their efforts to build up the stockpiles in location for a cataclysmic terrorist strike that leaves trillions dead on a hundred or more worlds.

Absolute certainty? No, of course not. But we can look at the context. We can look at what was happening in the cluster just beforehand: capsuleers coordinating with groups like the 24IC and Defiants to engage in much, much larger-scale warfare, including campaigns that saw the destruction of infrastructure with sizeable non-combatant populations.

Sure, it’s a case of post hoc ergo propter hoc, but there weren’t a whole lot of events in that era that provided impetus for a formalized faction warfare structure that didn’t include pretty horrific, and frankly escalating, atrocities on all sides. So while it’s not documented in anything we can see as ‘this is why’… it’s also not exactly wild speculation or an unreasonable conclusion to draw.

Sure. Unless, you know, they all just assumed ‘everyone knows why we’re here, we don’t need to spell that out’. And let’s face it, every clause you add to something like that means it’s going to take longer, because that clause has to get argued about, too. And they do seem to have been trying to act quickly. And acting quickly, especially in politics, means cutting corners.

No, we can’t. We don’t have the text of it. We don’t have the text of any of the documents that actually define what we are and aren’t allowed to do. None of them. Let’s face it, if they wanted to keep us bickering pointlessly among ourselves, what they’ve already done is pretty hard to top.

CONCORD is just as riddled with corruption as the empires. I frankly don’t expect them to ever announce a final decision on this matter. Instead, they’ll just wait until something else has everyone’s attention, then quietly table the issue.

But, just for the sake of argument, what would you do if they did say ‘the Empire did something wrong’, since doctrinally, the Empress expresses the will of God, and she’s certainly ok with this. What happens if CONCORD says the will of God is a criminal act?

I think the Imperial seal adequately answers your question, for any right-thinking Amarr.

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See, I really love this kind of peer pressure here, where you clearly don’t trust one another enough to even wait to let someone else answer for themselves. Instead, you have to drop the intimidating reminder of ‘you support the Empire or else.’

That mistrust is specific, and has not been a secret of late.

Oh, I know. But that doesn’t make it any less funny. After all, your mistrust and intimidation only have the weight she gives them. So, in effect, for your expressions of mistrust to have any impact, you have to trust her to care.

It’s not about the weight of my opinion, but elucidating the nature of the question you asked; there is a correct answer or there is heresy.

There are no mitigations for those of weak conviction to grasp.

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Except, of course, that coming from you, that position represents your position. So in order to give it weight coming from you, she’d need to care about your opinion. Anything you say has the same problem.

The covenant by which Holy Amarr observes God’s law above the laws of man; quite the distortion even by your standards to frame it as opinion.

Well until you can prove he exists, that’s all it is.

Third rate, and not even interesting.

Yeah, that’s how the delusional often react to the truth.

It also adequately illustrates what an opinion looks like.

For contrast.

They come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, in fact. The fact that trillions of you mindlessly regurgitate something doesn’t make it a fact, just a widely-held opinion.