Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

That’s it. Build your little safe space. Blinders, earplugs with soothing music and a thumb to suck on.
Won’t have to deal with pesky things like reality.

Comments like this. . . . are kind of making his case.

90% of your posts seem to consist of calling people various iterations of “stupid,” wrong," or “bad.” I’m sure it’s very cathartic to have a forum you can dump all your raw vitriol into, but it doesn’t make a very compelling argument for why you shouldn’t just be permanently ignored.


Well, which point, though? He’s consistently been misrepresenting things here. His latest ‘point’ was that Miz is being deliberately dishonest, and that’s why she should be ignored. And what is he citing as that dishonesty? Omitting words when referring to something he quotes, even as he himself alters words to make claims that something was said when… it wasn’t.

He claims ‘Bastion of the Empire’ wasn’t his phrase, and to support that references a tabloid posting that… well, doesn’t include that phrase at all. Then he quickly moves to scurry away from the discussion, because he really has nothing he can argue with in his own defense. Nor is it the first time he’s done it.

He makes grandiose claims that he can’t support, then when the fact that he’s blatantly huffing fedo farts gets called out… he whines, deflects, invents things people didn’t say, and finally runs away, tail between his legs. All while insisting that those fighting on the front of one of the Empire’s wars are cowards because it’s not the war he wants them fighting in, and the Empire’s allies in that war are ones he likes to shoot at.

Look, I’m the last person here who’ll say that Miz doesn’t have a tendency toward… aggressive judgment of people. She absolutely does. And she’s just as capable of being wrong as any of us1. I mean, that doesn’t include one or two exceptions who insist on being wrong about damned near everything, I suppose. But even so, just because she can be wrong doesn’t mean she is, this time.

1. And, obviously, it doesn’t include me, either, because we all know I am infallible, brilliant, selfless, and above all, humble.


To be clear here; Mizhara is not speaking as a member of Lux Invicta any more than Mikal himself is. She is a much more direct anti-Amarr warrior, location classified, but not like pretty much everyone does not know which planet beginning with F she’s spent most of her time at this past year.

Not that it makes her wrong here; it most certainly does not. As more or less acknowledged by the Yassavi above, this discussion, for the Amarr Militia, is not about figuring out facts. It is to bait into being words they can then quote, out of context or in, to use as weapons.

I am stating this because proper understanding of background of allegiances is important to be able to follow the nuances of any conversation, and to assume that all of the Sisters who speak here speak with the same connections would be a mistake.

(I might be off-topic here but at least I am that in the right thread.)


A beachhead is not a bastion.

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The Yassavi above acknowledged that the purpose of a particular question was to extract a shameful truth or obvious lie.

You seem to have extrapolated wildly from that.

I pride myself of being as capable as anyone, but I’ll be humble enough to admit theory and practice are different things, so my lack of experience in being wrong does work against me in this field.

On a more serious note, I am indeed not connected to either side of this conflict, be it Lux members or Pendulum participants. These boards these days simply serve as a place of idle entertainment for me, and ridiculous narrative spinning tends to catch my eye. Most who’s opinions would matter to me already knows this well, and those who don’t… well.

Offending the weak sensibilities of Kybers and LiP does not really register as much but amusement.

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You know, it occurs to me, that… there isn’t a word for the concept of a volume of space held by friendly forces in enemy space, to be used to attack enemy forces.

There are the words “bridgehead”, “beachhead”, and “airhead” which derive from land, amphibious, and aerial warfare on planets, but there isn’t a word for an equivalent for interstellar space warfare, is there ?

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I just use the same word as I do for a beachhead on an actual ocean, myself. “Forward operation base” is I believe standard for bases themselves?

Well, yes, but, you know, the Imperial Navy has been conducting operations in space for 2000 years, you’d have thought there’d be a word in Amarrian by now for this concept.


There’s probably word in Amarrian, and in several other languages, in military technical manuals. And everyone uses [translator: beachhead, landing zone, point of attack] or other local word, anyway.


‘Breach point’.

Has very different connotations, both on tactical and strategic levels.

Outpost? shrugs

I’m talking about something more fundamental. You could replace Mizhara with a random insult generator algorithm and nobody would notice.

Hell, she even admits that all she does is troll:

Why the ■■■■ should anyone engage with that, Mikal Vektor or otherwise?


When she’s wrong? You shouldn’t. When she’s right, though? When that happens, denials and sticking your fingers in your ears while chanting ‘lalalalalalala not listening’ isn’t a good look. Especially when it takes the form of ‘I’m totally twisting what was said there, but when you do it, it’s just unconscionable!!’

Naked, open hypocrisy doesn’t exemplify anything positive, even in the Amarr.

OTOH, acknowledging the things a critic gets right and changing to correct those issues does reflect well on people. No matter where the criticism comes from. If anything, demonstrating that you’re open to legitimate critique from anywhere, even the most antagonistic sources, as long as the criticism’s valid, speaks better about you than only listening to ‘trusted sources’.


“Forward operating base” or “outpost” both kind of suggest something a bit more secure and permanent than is usual for the kind of concept that “bridgehead” or “beachhead” entails.

Like a bridgehead usually means that you hold both ends of the bridge, and it can be used to transport more forces across the bridge to reinforce and expand the bridgehead, but the bridge is far from being secure, there will still be fighting at the bridgehead itself. Same idea for beachhead, you hold the beach, and more forces can land, but the beach itself may still be under occasional fire from long range artillery, it’s not yet secured.

Perhaps… “Firebase” is a term that works ? A base where the fighting may be in sight of the base, sometimes the base itself is under fire, but it is secure enough for reinforcements to deploy to, and for forces to operate out of the firebase?

“Space pocket” (Dead or not) used as operational base is a common term in New Eden.

Keeping a civil and open discourse with one’s foes can, at times, be advantageous. The truth of this was demonstrated clearly in coordination between Imperial, Republic, Federal, and State forces against the Triglavian menaces under the auspices of EDENCOM. In that time of crisis, we were able to put our differences aside and fight a greater foe, to the benefit of all. The source of disagreement between various entities claiming devotion to the throne focuses on the extent to which this collaboration is sanctioned with the conclusion of Triglavian aggression.

For all our differences in opinion and loyalty, there are certain behaviors that we can all agree are better avoided here. Not to go fully Karren, but deliberately mangling the quotes of others as to make one’s argument consistent with reality is not the vocation of a warrior, they are the actions of either a child or a troll. Regardless of to whom you swear loyalty, if you value the quality of discussions here, you ought not to applaud these behaviors. Furthermore, the idea that it was my intention to bait others into trolling by literally referencing quotes as a gotcha is similarly infantile. What even is your position?

Gosh I sure do with Commodore Vektor would crease baiting others by substantiating his claims with literal quotes! What a trickster!

Your insinuation is absurd to the point of comedy. Tell me, are there any words uttered by anyone in this place for which I am not personally culpable? Do you really think that you’re all just my puppets and I’m some master of strings?

Mizhara wasn’t “wrong” because she’s Minmatar. Do not presume to project your chauvinistic fallacies onto me. She’s wrong because she claimed that I made up a claim that I then literally quoted from this forum.

Taking seriously the notion that “bastion” is a sufficiently dissimilar analogue for “outpost” in the context used (an admittedly unintentional but benign substitution on my part) while patently ignoring Mizhara’s blatant and repeated misquoting is a good example of the childish, chauvinistic, ill-willed noise that increasingly drowns out actually fruitful and interesting discussion. If in the midst of vigorous discussion, you detect a troll, and you discover that their argument aligns with yours, I invite you to embark on a self-directed introspective anatomic journey. Running rostral to caudal down the center of your back, between your shoulder blades, you ought to detect a segmented and bony structure called a “spine”. See that you find it.


Yassavi was baiting, and she acknowledged as much. Are you a Yassavi now or why is this addressed to me?

EDITed to add: if you are, I apologize. I suck at tracking capsuleer marriages. They move so fast.

EDIT2: I notice I did in fact say AmarrMil there. I apologize; you’re correct that I should not have. Not all Militia, etc, I’m sure. Still, I’ve lost interest. People wishing to continue this without all the baiting know how to use more private lines, I’m sure - including you.