Frankly, I thought of offering every single person on the IGS the opportunity to come to the 4-4 CBT station, ‘capture’ me, and then demand the bounty from Diana, since ‘those’ is clearly plural and open-ended…
But I knew she’d never actually live up to her word. So this was just less effort.
Can these Bounties be Redeemed through submitting as Evidence, cans of Meat with the DNA of the Accused, or does It have to be a Recognisable Human Body that must be Submitted as Evidence ?
I.e. is a Can of 50kg of Arrendis Meat sufficient Evidence of having Apprehended at least One Arrendis ?
These Kinds of Questions are Important when hiring Certain Kinds of Bounty Hunter.
Arrendis even isn’t on the list of wanted persons, she’s clown, her words are meaningless. Though… if you can deliver her alive (of course) and detained for a trial… I think I might consider giving about… 15 Isk.
I don’t think that person worth more.
I am primarily interested in slanderers, who were spreading lies about me and Ms. Remi. And whose words, apparently, have way greater resonance than barking of a useless Galnet troll.
Aaaand, I’m not allowed in Jita. Something something fire ants, something whipped cream and something was the official grievance. Long story. So could the evidence be transferred to a low security system?
Either a person in a… person.
Or any document from State authority that they were put under custody (and just in case - contacts of the place where they are being detained so that they’re still there and awaiting a trial can be verified. People who don’t need double verification are (and whose documents by default are accepted as is):
Well, if you wish. Though if I were you I wouldn’t bother much about it and instead catch someone like this… THIS… JULIAN!!
Arrendis is irrelevant well known liar, nobody cares what that insane person says. On the other hand, people are reading and interested in what this gallentean slanderer writes. He must be put down.
The Commander’s 50,000,000 isk bounty was offered for Flavours and members of his organization. Are you unintentionally misunderstanding the situation or do you just seek to aggravate through willful obtuseness?