I think the answer to your question is quite clearly ‘yes’, Remi.
That was an exclusive ‘or’.
My name remains Remilia.
The Commander’s 50,000,000 ISK bounty was clearly offered about ‘you all’. But I do understand that you feel the need to support your pet, Mistress Remi. Especially when she serves as such a useful beard for your claims of loyalty to the State.
Or she is just not very bright, like Arrendis.
I think this has gone on long enough.
@Arrendis admit your love for @Diana_Kim this instance! I can see no other reason why you would continue to bombard our fair Strike Commander this way?
Because it’s funny, and because she can’t not respond to it.
You’ve got to be kidding me?
You have to be either blind or deaf or completely dumb to fall for Arrendis.
And a male.
I assure you, one definitely doesn’t need to be male to fall for Arrendis.
From what I have Observed on the IGS, Commander Kim believes same-sex Relationships to be an Abomination and an Offence against The Caldari Way. Occasionally she refers to the concept as Gallente Degeneracy.
This is an Extreme Reaction that I have not Observed from any other regular IGS Contributor. I am thus Uncertain if it is a Caldari cultural Thing, or if it is a Personal Belief of Cdr. Kim.
The Scriptures are, of course, Quite Clear on the subject, should one wish to consult them, I would Suggest starting with the Writings of St. Junip of Aerui.
That’s not what I believe in.
With this I do agree, however.
This is neither my, nor our cultural beliefs.
However, I do tend to write off any sort of perversion or open sexual behavior as gallente degeneracy. And this is sort of not rare in our culture.
Speaking of same-sex relationships, I know only that it is illegal to commit marriages in such way in the State. Also I do know how the biology works, and thus can conclude that this sort of relationship does not facilitate a child birth.
Any sort of sexual activity that is done either outside of a marriage or not for purpose of child birth is a perversion.
What we are doing now, ma’am is as well a borderline perversion, as such topics shall not be brought into public discussion. I hope I have answered these questions and I hope we won’t return to them in the future.
Medical technology makes the biology argument… questionable. Its more than within the realm of routine medical intervention to fertilize an egg with another modified egg cell. And then there are those of a naturally intersex physical dispositions(much less those that choose such things willingly through modification).
And, if memory serves, same-sex marriage relation is not illegal in the State, but simply not legally recognized. Which is distinct from being outlawed.
Thigs which are not legal are illegal, because they are not legal in the terms of law, which makes them… illegal.
Illegal requires a specific outlawing. The term you’re seeking here, probably, is Illicit, as its not expressly outlawed but falls somewhat outside the usual social norms.
Illicitly illegal.
Strike Commander, not everything that is illicit is illegal.
I completely agree. Pretending to be a rank in the Caldari Navy that you are not… Apparently that’s illicit for a capsuleer because I’ve never seen anyone haul Di-Di up in front of a judge.
Committing treason by taking a group of military personnel and equipment and invading a planet without the consent of your Government… That’s illegal.
The Strike Commander, for all her faults, has not actually stated her rank is with the Navy. Though some misinterpretation is easy enough with how she describes it at times.
I guess that is the difference. Pretending is illicit. Claiming is illegal.
I am not sure it has a merit of arguing with a deranged code cultist. She makes up nonsence and then judges others for it - probably as a way for others to read her crap instead of noticing that she’s just a petty murderer that follows insane man who made for them bogus ‘Code’ to justify their murders.
It is a Caldari thing. One that stems from the lack of citizenry during the Caldari-Gallente emancipation conflicts. And one that is still rooted in State doctrine. It is why I am not approved to hold hands with anyone by the State Department of Hand Holding.
Strike Commander takes the doctrine a bit further and has interpreted it as Gallente degeneracy.
The problem is, the State has to pull as far away from Gallente ideals as possible which leaves it and its population in a place where seemingly normal things in other cultures as being degenerate.
For example. A man walking along the beach with a shirt off, a normal practice everywhere else in the cluster is considered degenerate because the Gallente don’t find an issue with it.
Or bodybuilding. Something that I enjoy. But because simple pleasure are a thing in the Federation, they have to be an abomination in the State.
Does this make sense?