I would debate this but then again, according to Di-Di, I’m the Quafe+ version of Arrendis so…
Well, you did of course create it yourself, but why would it not be the one?
If you look back over the discussion that led up to its creation. . . .
Because regardless of the discussion beforehand, I created it purely for the ‘dammit, Miz’ joke. So no, “we” did not create it for the purpose you want to attribute to its creation. I created it, I created it for a specific purpose, and that purpose and yours are not the same.
Nor is me needling Kim a rant. If anything, this conversation is far more fitting for that thread, since this conversation is, at its heart, a complaint, at least.
Do what you wish. As you will, regardless.
Yeah but that’s mainly because having anything to do with the little rat is like drinking someone elses vomit. I’m saying someone elses because that’s extra bad.
Didn’ say it’d all be for the same reasons. Mine’s just that it’s circular, repetitive, and boring.
In other and more interesting matters I’m all of a sudden curious: how many of you all have ever tried Ni Kunni spiced beetles? And if you haven’t, would you?
Been served such by Lunarisse. Was rather reminiscent of things I’ve had when visiting some Vherokior clans, and there seems to have been attempts to replicate it in random places through the Federation.
Can recommend, if done by someone who knows what they’re doing.
I Prefer to Keep Away from Insects. Beetles are All Well and Good when they are Outside, but I Do not Wish to have them Under the same Roof as Myself.
It doesn’t seem like they should be too different, conceptually, from lobsters though? Isn’t a lobster really just kind of a big seagoing bug?
Or do you not eat lobster either despite, you know…?
I mean, how would we be able to tell if they’ve been properly spiced with the flavor of Ni-Kunni?
Kidding, obviously. I haven’t, but I don’t know of any reason not to.
Even better! Then sure, absolutely would.
They’re a fantastic, protean rich snack
Let’s hope not.
Good protein though.
A slip of the finger
I am seldom Accosted by Lobsters. Also I consider Crustaceans to be Too Fiddly to be a good Meal. Similar to Peeled Grapes, the amount of Effort required seems Disproportionate.
Uhhh … I guess I’d frame it as either reportedly having a large lobster issue or at least some of your population periodically having one. After a certain point even needing a hydraulic press or a jackhammer to crack it starts to seem worthwhile.
Never mind I guess?
The species from which Gladiator Lobsters are selected, is a Different species from the Culinary Lobsters.
But … isn’t the name of one of your events “Winner Eats Loser?”
It seems like a pretty bad deal if the gladiator lobster isn’t at least tasty?
Humans are not logical like that. I’m used to seafood but not to insects and I assure you it’s absolutely not the same.
One should not insult a host by turning down a dish based on mere preference though, if it cannot be done quietly, so I guess.
It will be even better if the host won’t insult guests by offering food that was ALIVE like to savages instead of proper and modern synthesized food.
A host offering their guests traditional food is not an insult. In fact, it’s a great honor to be included in such a meal. It’s very odd that any Caldari would find observing the ways and traditions of one’s ancestors to be insulting.