Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Again: See?

Something challenges your desired pattern of experience. So you get angry. The real question to ask here is: why do you get angry? What is it that you feel is being challenged, and why do you fear that challenge?

Is it okay if I restrain myself from that only 3 out 4 times? Since I’m quarter-caldari

You shall be insane if you consider me angry. Free the frequency, clown.

What exactly are you going to restrain yourself from?

Writing to you :smiley: Soz, shoulda quoted that

That was said to Arrendis, but I doubt even she realized that.
Do you really have to write to me though?

Nah, not really. You just said ‘to every minmatar’, so I took it as an ‘area-of-effect’ message

I’ve just had quite unpleasant experience of needing to repeat something for minmatar pilots several times before they’d get it.

I guess it’s the language barrier)

Well, yes. The joke being that since I am a resident of Kaztropol, and Empress Synthia has Peculiar Notions from time to time, then the idea of e.g. tetrahedral rubber coins would not be entirely unexpected.

Again, ‘anger’ is a broad category of emotional responses. Would you have preferred ‘mildly irritated’? It’s still angry, just low-intensity. You feel the need to make a change, to force your will on the situation, because you’re not getting what you want out of it. It doesn’t fit your desired pattern, so you have to choose between fight or flight, and you choose to externalize the fear into anger.

Really, Diana, it’s pretty basic crap. One has to wonder if you’re getting what you want out of your behavior. If not, you should alter it.

Tetrahedral Coins would probably be Painful if accidentally Stepped On.

I believe the ancient Gallente word was “provocant” which, whilst it could mean “provocative” , it could also mean “challenging” or “defiant” in some cases. For example:

Diana Kim est très provacant

The above sentence is a good example of how all three definitions can be interchangeable and still word as, whilst the concepts are not synonymous in the words we use today, they all fall under a similar umbrella.

Which is why I feel “edgy” - whilst quite an ugly word - is wonderful at conveying the nuance of how that concept is multi-faceted yet clearly definable.

You have to be careful when spending tetrahedral coins in case they die…

That was a bad pun but I’m not sorry.

A person is “being edgy” when they do something that is shocking or unseemly, in such a manner that the motivation seems to be to showing off rather than accidental blunder, intentional insult or unavoidable discomfort due to higher concerns. It’s a behaviour typical for youth in their diversion years that usually passes with maturity and in that case it is best met with as little attention to it as possible.

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Mildlly disgusted.

Then it seems I am way less “edgy” than I thought about it myself.
Probably the most shocking ever idea I was saying was that the CONCORD should be disbanded. But even that wasn’t as shocking as what actually happened to CONCORD, as I wasn’t saying we shall go full minmatar and commit the same atrocity the tribal terrorists have committed in Yulai in 110. What I was saying is that CONCORD is an organization supposed to fight crime and promote peace, but it incorporates such criminal regimes as Federation and Republic and allows these warmongers to stay. My idea was that we should reform the CONCORD without Federation and Republic and simply treat their territories as territories of Sansha Nation or Blood Raiders. That’s probably the most shocking thing I was saying, and it’s certainly way less shocking that what we can saw in our cluster.

As for the unseemly things, well. I don’t think I was even bringing up anything unseemly if only for purpose of symmetric “warfare” in media against those who brought them first. And looking from that point of view, I don’t now consider Veik being edgy at all, she’s more like… “Yarr, I wanna be bad”, like these half-witted villains in a bad gallente holoreels.

Really edgy people like I see that now are those who’d bring discussion, for example, about human procreation or personal relationship into public. Or any other taboo topics like that.

That’s why flat is the best!

I’m totally not edgy.

Especially when I’m sharpening a dull knife.

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Are you still talking about coins or bragging about your figure?

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