Not at all. They sided with their allies, who just happened to have other allies they don’t like. As for what they gained… they gained keeping their word, and honoring their commitments and obligations.
Hmmmm ok.
That’s funny to say when the start of this argument was about Arshat.
Banding together with PNS and EM is what won you Arshat, in the first place.
So you are, basically, saying that that since the Amarr cannot but grab the thing for themselves, everyone else should then just… accept it and not protest?
But would that not be going contrary to the nature of Fate, of things as how they are? How could people but protest?
Why are you yourself so ‘exercised’ about these protestations, when I cannot see how they could really, practically, be any other way?
Hahaha … ah. Well, to start at the end, I’m kind of not. I mean, I’m not mad or anything; just kind of, “Hm. Why?”
You might have already noticed, important stuff is fun for me, Elsebeth. I love playing with ideas, including politics and policy. I’m maybe a little like Arrendis that way, only I like to keep it impersonal-- just realities, not personalities.
Only, also, there are bits I’m less-fond of-- mostly the places where a veil is being purposefully thrown, where something is done only so that it can be seen being done. I concede its necessity; I just find it irritating, like a rash, and tend to want to deconstruct it given half an excuse.
Philosophically, even religiously, I’m dedicated to the concept of clarity: trying to see the world as it is, instead of the illusions laid over it. Only, I’m not quite such an advanced practitioner as not to mind efforts to disturb or muddy my mental waters.
It doesn’t even have to be an actual lie for me to find it irritating. So these loud protestations, made by sophisticated actors who know full well the realities of the situation, do tend to upset me just a little. Partly because they immediately make me want to check whether there’s really anything to them-- whether anyone’s really acting in an improper and/or startling way.
Do be clear, I don’t believe in Fate, though you’re correct that I’m a determinist. And I do concede this … illusion-casting to itself be inevitable and proper for the context of those casting it. But as someone who seeks clarity and tries to help others seek the same … it goes against my grain, I guess you could say.
That’s not a merit in me. I’m not completely sure it’s a flaw, either; it’s a trait. And I can’t even say with certainty that I never do such things myself.
They don’t really make me mad. I just don’t like them very much, that’s all.
Really hope I’m not interrupting anything but, what’s going on with Athounon even? I used to visit it a lot, has everyone decided to suddenly go postal over a random facility located in the middle of nowhere?
From the weird triangle aliens, to the Feds and the State, it just feels a bit too random for them to do all this so suddenly over this thing.
And I am willing to admit that dismissing the concerns of my people about what will happen to us if the Amarr finds the proverbial bigger stick before us are dismissed as not genuine, or not ‘as the world is’; as not accordance to our Fate.
You like to present yourself as a neutral observer, simply and benevolently bemused by the world, but not really a party to it - but your bias is showing, Aria Jenneth. I’d recommend checking it.
Everybody’s biased, Elsebeth. We’re each of us stuck behind our own set of eyes. Being aware of that is key to understanding a lot of other stuff.
My faith encourages us to stay aloof by avoiding worldly entanglements-- which, is a lot of why I can’t really claim to be a proper monk. I definitely have not avoided worldly entanglements. (I tried, for a bit. Didn’t work out. For one thing, turns out worldly entanglements are fun. Who knew? … Bait for the trap, but, ah, such enticing bait.)
So of course I’m biased. I’m caught up in this world. Acknowledging that is about my only way to avoid sinking deeper into my own illusions.
But, also, I do try to see the world as it is, rather than the maze of illusions my perspective might make of it. That’s a duty, in my eyes-- the core duty of my sect and spiritual practice-- and I take it seriously.
See, in the end, what I really want is to be wise instead of just clever. It’s kind of the difference between strategy and tactics.
The world’s just about bursting with clever people. It’s useful, but it’s nothing special. Wisdom, though, is rare. To be wise, you need to be able to sense the flow of the world and act correctly on a broad level.
I won’t be able to achieve that either by ignoring my own biases or by just … disappearing into them. Which might sometimes be the same thing? Hm.
Anyway, Elsebeth, I’ve not all these years made any secret of my loyalties. I’m a sworn retainer, proudly, to Lunarisse Phonaga, and I will not betray her by word or deed. And even if I am relatively indifferent to the Empire itself, she is not.
So yes, you are correct that I am effectively (if vicariously) an Imperial agent. That might be a little clear to most onlookers with every “ave” or “my lord” that pops out of my mouth. I even had someone try to kick me out of my own religion.
I’m not going to ask you to like it, Elsebeth, but I am going to keep being myself, and juggling my various roles as best I can. Including that of the writer.
In which I will try to reveal what I can of the world, as best I’m able despite my biases.
Feel free to add disclaimers on my behalf wherever you feel necessary.
Yeah, even as Gateway for the Paradox, I doubt I would have anything to say at all, considering ALXVP’s relationship to LUMEN and EM.
…Also, you can’t spell LUMEN without EM!
I have concerns concerning I-RED as well, but I do have a bit of hope that Miss Avala’s return may change things for the better.
You seem alright from someone who has missed their mother for most of their life, but I do hope you don’t take all of your mother’s word for gospel.
Mr. Biko;
Perhaps I’d have more luck and more faith if I had more direct interaction with the parties. Without a doubt, however, loyalty has been conflated with blind obedience.
As an independent capsuleer, I dislike leashes and imperious tendencies, and I’d hope that those who’ve witnessed the work ARC is capable of would display some greater willingness to negotiate and find a path forward instead of-- whatever that is.
A formal statement will be coming in due course. In the meantime, speaking personally, I can say that ARC has neither desire nor design to influence control of the volume around Athounon V, or indeed any other planet in the region. Still, with the potential involvement of emergent threat technologies, we simply can’t sit on the sidelines and let stuffed suits blunder onward.
Having seen the work ARC is capable of only reaffirms why you should comply with CEP directives and stay out of this.
This goes double for interacting with Triglavian technology. Not the best track record there. In fact, I think you have the worst.
Ah. I see. You’re just-- loud.
Malitia is a great many things more than just loud.
I wish she was just loud.
None of us in the Protectorate have the right to negotiate with you on the content of our orders.
I suggest you refrain from aggravating the situation.
I gotta wonder, are you actually complaining that a military force, who received orders, are threatening to enact those orders upon you should you violate them?
The CEP didn’t tell you to stay out. The CEP told the Navy and the Protectorate to keep everyone, even you, out. You’re not a special case just because you got good intentions and a heart of gold, babe.
This is precisely what the issue at hand is. Being a part of the State Protectorate means I-RED is under explicit orders that anyone not included as authorized craft as defined by the CEP is to be killed on sight in the orbital perimeter of Athounon V.
There is no wiggle room. There is no list we can make ourselves to include certain parties (including allies). Were we to ignore the orders given to us by the CEP as a State Protectorate member, we would be in direct violation.
Ms. Priano, this is not personal and this is not certain groups being given a proverbial middle finger. Even allies are to be fired upon. I recently had this discussion with someone else–if they come into the orbit of Athounon V, we have to fire on them, regardless of what some of us may personally believe.
As far as my interactions with Priano went, I’d suggest to avoid any sort of negotiations with that dishonorable and lying person or their alliance and treat them as KOS targets not only on Athounon V orbit, but everywhere else in the warzone.
All enemies of the State SHALL DIE.
Worried that she will tell me how much full of ■■■■ you are?