One thing to bear in mind is that the view from the IGS rarely holds much of the real picture in regards to interactions, both in terms of how, who and why. The interactions you see on this board should be judged in the context of this board, since I suspect that just like myself, it tells only a very narrow part of the story.
Were you aware that three of the four lovers I’ve taken in my career - that is counting the romantic entanglements rather than the mere… physical ones - were of variants of the Amarr faith? Without delving into the sordid details of my greatest failure and mistake, they were all professing and faithful to a different path of the Rite and to such a degree you have to turn the Rite into a bag term for what would essentially be very distinctly different religions in the first place.
I mention this because there’s something very important to bear in mind:
The discussions and arguments you interpret - or at least make out to be in this case - as trying to dismantle a narratively inconvenient opposing stance, or attempts to make a particular opposing viewpoint the ‘universally accepted as correct’, probably aren’t so at all.
They’re often rather distinct and specifically bounded little battles connected to the larger picture only tenuously and without intended or effective impact outside of those bounds.
We know and understand that there is no ‘universal’ opposing standpoint in the enemy we call the Rite. However, each individual bout in that context will fall into a specific narrative and viewpoint, and the discussion that engenders will be very specific and cause specific arguments and for the specific context at the time dismissal and disregard of other narratives and viewpoints out of simple necessity to maintain any kind of structure to it.
In short, there are - for some of us - interactions with all manner of viewpoints, narratives, perspectives and people across these borders of nations, faiths, ethnicities and principles. There’s understanding of how these are all limited in scope.
Interpreting the few interactions you see here on the IGS as representative of the overall understanding, intentions and motivations of the people behind them would thus be a very significant mistake to make.