Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Oh, bonsoir madame Kim, fancy meeting you here.

A shortage of butts cannot be allowed.

I’ll have that as my formal introduction to the forums while I have my Etaine peach tea.

When the law is violated, it’s not the problem of the law, but existing of criminals who violate it. Criminals must be punished.

As far as I understand, Imperial hierarchy is built that way, that the bottom doesn’t have freedom at all (slaves), and the higher you climb, the more freedom you get, up to the Empress herself, who is definitely the most powerful individual in the whole cluster.

A lot of criminals share your point of view. They may say, that laws are not right and they should be permitted to steal or to murder. But does it make laws not right? In order to set the law right, you first need to find which law is not right and why, and for that you need a merited person, educated in terms of laws and their creation. Usually these people are already responsible for creating these laws. And… are you?

Never. Never shall be general people allowed to create laws or participate in their creation. Only wise and merited men should.

What is this nonsence about “excuse to be at war”?
When the Motherland is attacked, we stand to defend it!
If you don’t like the war - go tell gallente invaders to unconditionally surrender at once.

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While I hardly think the Gallente are Saints, far from it. I would say the political convenience of War has provided an incentive to keep hurling innocent lives into a meat grinder

Gallente did it. Want to stop hurling lives into meat grinder - destroy the Federation and render them unable to invade State ever again!

Enough with their genocide, atrocities and invasions.
The Federation must be destroyed!!

While I wholly support Caldari Independance the notion that all fault lies with the Gallenteans is laughable propaganda. While seccesion was fully justified acting as if we have conducted ourselves blamelessly is a laughable notion. Just as they slaughtered our people from the skies when we disobeyed the Caldari placed a Titan above Caldari prime as a threat do conduct the exact same atrocity should the Gallente rebel

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And if those criminals are not punished, WHAT DO YOU DO, Kim. You have this idea that the law always works – it doesn’t. If people are abusing the system and getting away with their crimes, HOW DO YOU RESPOND? When there is no higher body to appeal to, when even the courts and the ‘wise, merited men’ are corrupt, what do you do?

Because if your answer is ‘I do nothing’, then you’re facilitating and enabling criminals.

Correct, under the belief that the rulers are wiser and more competent by birth, which is wholly antithetical to the meritocratic ideals you presumably hold.

This hierarchy does not lead to just rule. It leads to criminal rulers who are given maximum freedom to commit atrocities on those beneath them.

The law must be applied equally to all people, regardless of their race or class. No one should be above the law. If you are against freedom and anarchy, as you say, then you would support that.

Sure, and they won’t get away with it, because they’re nobodies.

The real criminals are the ones who are patient, who get in places of power, who lie and say they support the law, while simultaneously undermining it.

The “merited person, educated in terms of laws and their creation” also makes for the person best able to circumvent and break those laws, and they are the person best able to change laws to benefit their own criminal enterprises.

AND HOW DO YOU DETERMINE WHO IS WISE AND MERITED? And what do you do, when those supposedly wise and merited people break the laws, or change the laws to benefit themselves? What do you do when the system breaks down?

God, I shouldn’t have to argue this to a Caldari, you who created your nation through secession because you disagreed with Federal laws! By your own words the State should have stayed in the Federation, stayed obedient to Federal laws. And then there’s Heth’s populist uprising, which was enacted because the supposedly wise and merited people at the top were abusing their positions.

You say you disagree with breaking laws and revolting, yet you support a nation and a leader that both rose to power through breaking the law.


As Semira stated, was the Federation not abusing us? and did we not illegally rebel as a response? Does this not prove the Law is just a tool of the powerful?

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As a soldier, I detain criminals (or destroy if they don’t surrender) and pass them to authorities. I do something, as you see. What authorities do with them, they know better than me. It’s their job, not mine. Eggs don’t teach hens, you know.
How would I know if they are corrupt? Maybe it’s just I will think they are corrupt? I have many interesting ideas about what is right and wrong, but I haven’t earned merit to acting on that. When I will become Executor of the State, then I will do something about laws. But before that - I will act in my capacity - in destroying enemies and catching them…
Besides, even as a soldier I have my own “tricks” in the sleeve.
For example, I simply refuse to accept surrender of Federal soldiers until the whole Federation surrenders. That way I won’t have to worry about what the State authorities will do with captives, if you understand me!

Well, I am not trying to turn Amarr into Caldari! It’s their cultural way and they can stick to it as we stick to ours.

I am not the Empress of Amarr Empire (yet) to deal with this, Ms. Kernher! You’re writing this to wrong person!!

How do you expect me to support it though? I can support and enforce it in the State, since it’s our doctrine. Obviously, Amarr don’t believe so, and that’s their way. I am not a bully like some sort of Minmatar to tell Amarr how to sort their lives!

We have quite extensive system in the State to measure people merits! The very basic of it - just an education in the corresponding field. Then there comes experience, authority, incidents, solutions, personal qualities and so on and so on. You can make a spreadsheet and score every person who wants to participate in the law creation and then pick ones with the best merits!

That’s a question old as Existence, who will watch the watchers?
Luckily, here in the State we have a lot of different branches and idependent corporations. Each watches other one, can you imagine how happy a competing organization will become if you fall face down?

Oh, don’t you dare blame us! Because it’s the Federation who started changing their laws just to take our colonies! When we created them, we did that according to the law, but then they began demanding us to surrender them… Of course we noped out!

And Heth’s reforms came only after he came to power. I believe I have explained it before, and you haven’t replied yet… isn’t it so? Why you just ignore that and pour it out again without checking first?

If I were back then in Armor Forge, I’d be shooting him. Once he became the Executor, I have to obey him. This is Caldari way.

Samira’s another person you might get along with, Ms. Hakaari, though you should know she disapproves strongly of criminal connections. Also her cause and yours might have some similarities, but their contexts are literally worlds apart.

We did not rebel. We seceeded and created our own State. We didn’t fight as rebels against the Federation, the Federation went war against us.

I’ve spoken to her in a small capacity quite recently. My long term ambition is to be able to form a Nation governed under Syndicalist/Socialist principles, one that will offer a haven to all citizens of all worlds who have been persecuted and abused. My relationship to the Guristas was a result of neccesity for survival. I would likely be dead in a State prison if I had not sought their aid

Hrrmm… and now you have earned a point with me, for gurista are among the most disgusting and amoral scum of New Eden.

Now, if only you could remove that disgusting word from your organization name, we possibly could talk some business!

It means jack ■■■■ when the people you choose decide to corrupt and abuse their position.

The system is not always right just because it is the system. The authorities are not always right just because they are authorities. If they break their own laws, then they must be called out for that. If the laws allow for abuses, then the authorities must be called on to change them – and if they don’t, then they are proving that they are not merited.

Thank you for admitting that lawmakers can change the laws to benefit their own interests, and that, in such a case, disobedience and revolt is acceptable.

So in your eyes, a rebellion is only acceptable if it succeeds.

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Abuse of power is a demerit, it is an individualistic trait that we don’t respect in the State. Proper authority should work for common good, not for petty personal interests, and yes, they should be replaced by someone more merited. It was the core of Tibus Heth reforms in YC110. It made a lot of incompetent people very angry, and you can still hear their filthy voices full with hatred to our former Executor.

We didn’t revolt. We didn’t disobey.
We simply left.

Well, it’s an interesting question, and I think you should try to understand Caldari world view for that. If you rebel, you become a criminal, and you shall die for that. But once your rebellion succeed, you gain an authority. Going to rebel means signing yourself a death sentence with your own hand. It’s putting your life on the line for what you believe is right, which might not be right at all. And from what I heard about Armor Forge rebellion… they actually planned to die to make a message, that Heth won authority was a “deus ex machina” scenario, that one of the viewers of the events decided to support him and bought a corporation for him instead. If that didn’t happen… everyone would be dead now. You willingly go for your death knowing that you must do it. And this is Caldari way.

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Minor quibble. One of the definitions for revolt is to ‘cast off allegiance or subjection to those in authority’. So it does apply to secession.

I agree with the rest of your post. Thank you for your input. Your last point was certainly a very interesting view, and one I can’t really object to.

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What I understand under revolt is an uprising in order to replace the authority with your own, that would mean we would have to topple the Federal government and establish our own to gain control over whole Federation.

Someone who starts in the State, then joins criminal group pretending to be reporters and led by gallente neverdowell while claiming to be “mercenary”, then joining Federal good-aligned group and stupidly betrays them - something that no honorable merc would commit against those who employed them, now running with guri… that doesn’t sound like a man of convictions, Ms. Jenneth. That sounds like a milksop.

Well, but if that’s true, nothing much will come of it anyway.

To be fair, they did have an armed security detail and their tagline was something to the effect of “making the news.” Now I’m getting nostalgic for those days…
