Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

I read it, and it doesn’t hold up. Every slaver I have ever had the pleasure of killing was a tagged member of the Amarrian navy.

You ever killed any Sansha or Cartel? What do you think they get up to in their spare time?

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I never ran any missions to shoot Sansha or Cartel. The RSS seemed a bit more concerned with you lot.

Certainly have, maybe once or twice. It was far from the norm. Definitely more Cartel than Sansha but the vast majority have been Imperial.

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…wow, it turns out that you can understand humor.

Do you actually believe that, or are you just in denial because the alternative is beyond your ability to tolerate?

The evasive language here and use of words as such as “in function” and “in principle” suggests you know just as well as anyone else what is really going on.

The Empire is guilty, slave raids are continuing. Just because it isn’t done out in the open doesn’t mean it doesnt happen.

I hope this isn’t still news to anyone.

Your powers of perception do you great credit, you missed that I was speaking also of Republic raids on imperial systems. Viral bombings and other acts of aggression.
They’re just pirates who wear Republic colours. One more threat among a litany of others

Oh, I didn’t miss it.
Neither of us are perfectly well behaved now, are we?
And thank goodness for that. Otherwise no one would come for those still left in chains.

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They still don’t, all they come for is a planet of ghosts.

I was really hoping this was referring to something a little deeper then that.

Do not be upset just because you where unable to enact your superiors decrees~

Sustained operational control of a system is hardly a raid. Not what I was referring to.

Continuing from The Way Forward thread.

To the contrary, refusing to stand for the cause I had taken even if it meant going against someone I respected would have been hypocrisy. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want violence. I’d rather change happens peacefully. But hypocrisy would be standing down at the moment of truth and failing to fight for what I believe in. That is the thing about principles, Yassavi: Just because you do not want to do something, just because it pains you, just because you know and love the people you will be opposing, does not mean you do not do what you have to do. A rebellion occurred in my lord’s province, likely started by Khanid agents. But so started, and continuing to fight on even after the deathglow had worn off, I gave them as best a chance to succeed and win concessions that I could. Because I am fighting for change in the Empire, and I will not back down just because it is difficult.

It was a betrayal. It was a betrayal by Amarr for failing to live up to its responsibilities. It was a betrayal by Amarr for tolerating and facilitating the murder and abuse of millions of slaves. It was a betrayal by Amarr for allowing a Sani Sabik to stand in the Succession Trials. It was a betrayal by Amarr to allow a woman who had violated Shathol’Syn to ascend to the throne. It was a betrayal by Amarr to forgive King Khanid of his treacheries and allow him to not only return to the Empire, but given great concessions in being named an heir and allowed to be the only heir in history to compete in the Succession Trials twice. It was a betrayal by Amarr to allow a man who attacked my family and the families of other political opponents of his to not only continue holding his titles, but to gain more.

I regret what I have had to do. I regret the pain I have caused my former colleagues in PIE and my former friends in LUMEN. And above all, I regret letting down all of the Amarrian Minmatar and slaves who looked up to me and PAux and have rejected the course I have gone down now. I have, indeed, betrayed them and their trust, and I will live with that regret for the rest of my life.

But I couldn’t keep standing aside as I watched my home, my country, my lords, and the faith that I had sworn to uphold, be twisted into sin and evil. I will pray that God guides me always to do what is right, and that when I meet Him in the hereafter he will judge me mercifully.

You should ask Lord Lok’ri how I – and the Republic – came to this conclusion. Because it is not baseless.

@Saronu_Yassavi, @Isha_Vuld
I got already that both Empire and Republic commit war crimes against each other and people on both sides suffer from each other actions. Illegal slavers from one side, Valklears and raiders from another…

But you know what’s the difference? Official Imperial position is “That’s illegal, we should take only criminals and prisoners of war”, and general feeling from Imperials that I got was “These are bad, we shouldn’t do that”. Of course there’s an opposite point of view from people like Mr. Nauplius, Blood raiders, etc - but they are criminal themselves in the Empire.

From the Republic I didn’t really get their official stance on their “liberating” raids against the Empire, what I got from most of Republic supporters is “These are good, we should do that!”, that it’s almost their right to do that (though again, I believe the whole concept of rights is absolutely wrong in the core). Moreover, the current head of the Republic is a former criminal raider.

So, well… you can see now why I despise the Republic and fight it with great pleasure.

Again, about difference between Empire and Republic in regard of criminals themselves.
Illegal slaver Orlon Zashev, oooh, lets pay ridiculous sum of money to bring him to justice! Blood raiders? I am not flying with that scum!!
Criminals? Ohh, lets free them and hire as Valklears, so they can murder, burn and pillage, then everyone will be afraid of them!

Your cause was not the betrayal, it was the cost you incurred for so many. For nothing but blood.

For better or worse you made yourself a leader, fighting without a plan is a blunder occasionally vindicated by success.

You gave them a deceiver’s hope, and yet more blood.

You already backed down from the difficult path in favour of the instant gratification of violence and the respect of myopic terrorists.

Not only their trust, but their prospects. For your actions perhaps billions will be freed later or not at all.

I would have thought such times as you describe would be such that the true faithful should stand together and draw strength. Look among your current company and tell me that God guides you.

Nor do I assume is there compelling evidence. A basis isn’t enough, as you well know.

Don’t you ■■■■■■■ dare make claims as to what is and is not easy for me.

Of course not. Discourse and example were so easy you gave up.
Once, freeing the next Kernher would have been aspirational. Now fear of doing so will stifle progressive inclinations in those who should have been allies in your cause.


On the contrary, the State is not Amarr, and we citizens can and should criticize the failures of our executives. We shall not abide weak spirits and mediocre visions in our leadership.

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The Empire is indeed doing a lot more official pretending then the Republic is, probably because they know it’s a lot less acceptable to take slaves then to liberate them.

I do not blame the Republic. I am not exactly ashamed, either.

And she would be another abused and broken slave for people to look up to and point at to prove the system was fine and needed no change.

But it isn’t fine, and people much worse off than I was have suffered tremendously because it isn’t fine. As long as we continue to lie to ourselves and pretend it’s okay, just because some of us are so good at wearing masks that we forget what our real face looks like, it will never be fine.

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