Well, you probably already know me as a quite… literal person. After all, I was taught how to dig trenches from the fence to midnight.
I still see no contradiction to the laws. It could mean as well capturing everyone and screening, releasing innocent, keeping guilty - same labour acquisition. And reclaiming as I got it is rather… blurred phenomenon. They could call a military invasion as reclamation. Or they could call reclamation a mission of preachers. It could involve formally accepting the Faith. Or maybe just issuing everyone Imperial citizenship…
I don’t think anyone from the Empire treated me as a chaff. I think this hypernationalistic view of them is outdated and not correct for the modern times. They aren’t as bad as gallente, really. Nor they go to liberate any prisoners “because they’re Amarr” - like same Minmatar do. The Empire is multinational, and we can see that they are accepting even Khanid now. Besides, there is still Ammatar mandate, you know?
Honestly, bad people who abuse their power are everywhere. There are even unfair managers in the State who get their position by taking work of their subordinates and presenting them as their own. Well, they’re scum, they should be caught and answer for that. In the Empire there’s a Ministry of Internal Order for that.
After I saw gallente treatment of prisoners, I doubt Amarr could get that bad.
That is rather… savage, almost reaching Gallente degree - just without beating and starvation and pushing them into explosive cells…
I might actually ask… in a more private setting and trying to put the question in a not offending way… though it would be rather hard with accusation like that. Because… if anyone would accuse me in doing something indecent and criminal like gallente - I might get rather mad at them!
You don’t really have to, you know. After all, they’ve already spoken about these things, here, in public. For example:
What crimes are those children supposed to have committed, do you think, Commander?
Even other Caldari have seen these facilities:
And let’s not forget CONCORD’s description of those facilities:
Tell me, do you really think that any woman who tries to avoid being raped won’t be beaten and mistreated? AND THEY DO THIS TO CHILDREN. Children, who have never committed any crime, who have never known life outside of the breeding facilities. Whose mothers, and grandmothers, and great-grandmothers were born into that life and abused for their entire lives, raped to death. Children, Commander, who have nothing but that same final abuse to look forward to themselves.
That is what they are, Commander. And while the capsuleers who swear loyalty to the Empire may be staying so very quiet right now, so desperate to have this all just go away and not have to admit to what their masters do, you will notice that they continue to not ‘get mad’ about such things being said.
Would you? Would you stay silent, if someone said things like this about the State? If this is not true, why are they not objecting? Why are they not speaking up to defend the Empire on this? Why are they not calling me a liar?
I treat her with respect, and make my case clearly and plainly. She has not lived the lives we have. She has not seen what we have seen. You cannot expect the Commander to embrace our experiences blindly.
Of course I wouldn’t stay silent! And that happened quite a lot, actually. Some gallente were trying to claim “we were doing the same” when I was poking their noses to tortures Gallente jailmasters perform on PoWs. And yes, I blow up on them for that, demanding them to bring evidences, calling them liars and so on - becasue, really, there are evidences of gallente doing that, but not us.
Yet, I think you might be a bit too hasty saying they’re just staying silent. Maybe we really should give them some time to reply? After all, I myself would like to hear their point of view on that.
Why show her any respect when she does not reciprocate?
She regularly calls our people subhumans deserving of no rights, dignity or self-determination. She insults our government and very way of life. Screw being nice to that stiff-necked, xenophobe.
If you people want to waste your time trying to explain quantum mechanics to the fedo be my guest. As for me, I blocked her months ago and plan to never reply to that trollish fool again.
Perhaps Commander Kim should consider the words of Executor Heth regarding the Minmatar people:
“I say to the Minmatar people, I stand with you. I understand the pain you feel at your Ray’s death. I understand the anger you hold toward the Federation, which continues to withhold justice from you. They are callous imperialists who cannot understand any way but their own. To them, the Ray of Matar is a bunch of meaningless squiggles. They cannot comprehend the deep, spiritual meaning it holds to you, much as they do not understand what the Cold Wind of the Kaalakiota Peaks means to the Caldari. They hold both the murderer of your Ray and the homeworld of my people.
Tibus Heth, like many Caldari empathize with Matari.
‘Nice’ does not enter into things. She insults those she sees as enemies, because her training, as with most military training, gives her the means to dehumanize those whom she must kill. Those pro forma insults are reinforced by the disrespect shown to her by capsuleers who have never bothered to attempt to understand why she acts as she does.
Hopefully, you will have noticed that when I, or in the past, Ms. Vess, have reminded her that we are not all incapable of showing minimal respect, and asked her not to cast her net wider than she intends, she has stopped, and even apologized for her error. Show her the respect her service has earned, and demonstrate that you are an individual worthy of the same, and she will do so.
I had a dream, where there was an enormous talking sausage that descended from the skies on 4 golden wings, and there was a crowd beside me that had gathered.
but all the sausage said was “Wargleargleblargle”.