Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Sure I do. Everyone does, for everyone else. My judgment doesn’t amount to anything, though.

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No, it’s embarassing…

Nudity is liberating.

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There are different ways of being efficient. And plenty of them don’t involve degrading yourself to level of primitive savages, who would happily run around naked like filthy animals.

You’re a human. Thus behave like a civilized human, and not like one of these.

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I’ve already clarified that I’m not running around naked.

Also, you’re naked underneath your clothes.

I do my housework in the buff too. Nothing to do with keeping clean, I just enjoy upsetting my neighbours.

Being as rich as capsuleers are, I’m more surprised that any of you are doing housework than the fact that some of you may be doing it in the nude, if I’m being honest.


Why do housework when you could just buy a new house? A good question.

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Why do people garden, when they can just pay gardeners instead ?

Is it so much to believe, that some people enjoy doing a simple task, as part of relaxation from being a terrifying spacefaring death machine ?

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I didn’t say something was wrong with you doing housework. Just that I’m surprised that you do.

If you enjoy it, by all means.

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State officer should be able to care for all her own personal needs without anyone’s help. Considering my room is not really large, it’s doesn’t consume a lot of time to tide it up without paying anyone or ordering soldiers to do that.

It also helps maintain appearance of self-sufficiency, lack of any hedonistic preferences, embezzlement of resources and lack of any sort of need that regular soldiers aren’t entitled to. When I am outside of a capsule, I try to occupy as little space as possible and make sure none of my crewmembers knows about any of my needs.

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A part of it is stubbornness. Another part is the control freak in me: it can’t end up sabotaged by malicious forces that be if I’m the one doing it, now can it?

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I make due obeisance to your blood, honour and rank, Lady Elkin.

I agree with Strike Commander Kim in that discipline and good habit result from cleaning one’s own quarters. Of course, the majority of any funds I may earn is tithed back to the Abbey and my Father Confessor, but whilst affordable, it would still feel odd to employ someone to do such mundane tasks.

Having gotten used to polishing and cleaning when a marine, it gives me structure and an almost mediative aspect. It also reminds me that to serve, even in menial chores, is to glorify God and my betters.

Never however, unclothed. Overalls were invented for a reason.


Okay, really. How many billions do you people have? And you do your own chores? My time is billed at 300 million ISK per hour (a decent enough estimate). So why in the name of any of the gods would I ever do anything stupid like housework?

Even if you are not able to fly a supercarrier in Delve, your time still should be considered worth at least ten million ISK an hour or so.

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As an old friend of mine used to say, “weird flex but ok”.

In all seriousness though, do you actually spend all your waking hours collecting bounties? And if you do, do you ever consider the non-ISK cost to doing so?

Many capsuleers who gain even more ISK for their time are often happy to throw that wealth away, in fact, the reason they have optimized their work is that they can spend as little time doing it as possible. “One last tick before I can finally go mow the lawn” is not a very strange thought to some.


Moving this here so we don’t hijack the other thread with a mostly unrelated topic.

You’re right, but we avoided the corrupt elements who may want the other from getting their hands on Zashev. He went to Lord Sarum.

You’re a criminal in any Empire if you commit a violation of law of that Empire on the territory of that Empire.

Where is this “James” space exactly? Could you please be so kind and move there and enforce any rules you see fit - but in your space. As well I don’t think anyone of us will be policing our laws in your space (at least without declaring war on you).

I won’t speak for everyone else, but I myself enforce Caldari State laws. If I see flashing red CODE vessel flying by in our space, damn sure I’ll just blap it on contact in order to protect enterpreneurs working in our space from piracy. And trust me, I will do it with utmost efficiency, CODE ships are really no threat to me or to CONCORD - only to peaceful civilians. For me killing CODE criminal in high security space is as easy as squashing an annoying mosquito that tries to suck your blood.

And yet, where is hypocrisy?
Again, unlike you, we don’t violate laws. And we don’t violate YOUR laws for sure - in YOUR space. As I said, you won’t see me roaming in CODE space looking for CODE vessels to blap. But damn sure I’ll eliminate a criminal on my way in our space.

And one more time, your pilots do violate our laws, they attack innocents, commit acts of piracy and racketeering. I don’t think you should even opening your mouth about any of laws considering type of activity your pilots conduct. You can’t enforce a law committing piracy and racketeering. Claiming you would stand for law after that is even more than hypocrisy in my book.

By your own words.


Oh, Maker.
I can’t believe that troll still posts that delirious collage of unconnected citations with characteristic repeating patterns with font change and mechanical pasting in a line that you can witness in many works of unrecoverable asylum patients.

And I don’t know what’s more disturbing, that people with such deep degree of dementia as him are allowed to access GalNet, that he had used some of MY quotes for his insane “work of art”, or that he actually supports CODE.

Attacking another ship within sight of a civilian station is illegal in all of the old Empires. Whilst Nervyn’s method of highlighting it may be unorthodox to you, it is telling that your only real defence were ad hominem attacks, pirate!

Gladly! Just as the.megacorps claimed space for the Caldari cessation from the Gallente, James 315 was elected by proxy to Supreme Protector of Halaima initially but, as need for his teachings grew, it expanded into every system his words touched as more citizens joined the New Order - just as the Caldari lay claim to any system Caldari citizens live in. We now lay claim to all high security systems by this metric and we ever have a null security outreach programme.

Even we in the New Order offer warnings prior to sanctions. We also take the time to scan ships down to see if they are in breach of any of our laws before we fire. It is a shame the Caldari let CONCORD tell them who is breaking their laws instead of enforcing them themselves. But, then again, both are focused on profit above protecting I suppose.

No hypocrisy. Clearly.

And once more you say I am a criminal because you and your fellow profit-mongers in CONCORD say I am a criminal. By that metric, you are in breach of The Law of HighSec, subsection 4C:

Capsuleers are prohibited from slandering the CODE, New Order, or Law of Highsec. This includes twisting or misrepresenting information in attempts to convert innocent bystanders to criminally violent or insurgent perspectives.

By your own words, as you have breached one of our laws, criminal, you can no longer enforce any laws of your own. I hope this means you will not be “opening your mouth about any of laws considering type of activity your pilots conduct” lest you be a hypocrite, Ms Kim.