What in the whatting what is this ■■■■?
Considering how easily every single one of you ate what I fed you, perhaps we ought to sell our services to PR firms.
Because trying to promote influencial figures to push a narrative that would undermine society as a whole has never happened before in history.
You should get your inability to laugh checked out. Then you could join in with us laughing. I dunno laughing with you seems nicer than us simply laughing at you.
I might, at that.
One should hope you do.
I’m not sure mass incredulity and “WTF is this” is quite the “ate what I fed you” most people go for when they do this kind of thing.
Are you in fact confirming this is a joke?
I’m confirming that I have completed the tasks that were set before me this evening. The rest I leave to you.
Uh. Okay.
This is probably a joke, that or the art of deception is lost on these krusual.
If it’s a joke it seems like the kind that’s maybe hilarious to the person telling it.
Oh well.
I don’t find it funny, at all, or appreciate the implication in the joke that certain parties were tricked or deceived.
Considering we were all basically writing you off as an idiot we’d never trust to so much as breathe without adult supervision, you feel free to claim whatever you like. You haven’t altered anyone’s opinion of anything, except making pretty damned sure we’re going to receive everything you say with skepticism.
Yep. Totally nebulous nonsense. ‘You have all fallen into my tarp!’ It’s after-the-fact posturing to try to claim she wasn’t just completely shown to be a moron.
Wait, Melisma was a Krusual secret agent ?
I don’t know what to think.
I mean, you mudwrestle with someone, and then they turn out to not be who you thought they were.
So confusing.
Inb4 “But that was my dasterdly plot all along!”
Not even the writers at Impetus could come up with a plot twist like this. I’m impressed.
That’s quite the hyperbole. Being a member of some semi-secret pacifist conspiracy circle with some Krusual does not make her a Krusual agent.
Yup. I wrote in the love thread that Mel being a Krusual plant is kinda cool, but now this Maya is way too talkative for this to be a full-scale spoopy spai thing.
So either a cover-up or a fail pacifist society.
Caldari State Delegation to Inner Circle Offers to Mediate over Floseswin as Third Peace Talks Session Breaks Up
I hope this will be the case.
State Delegate to the Inner Circle and Ishukone CEO, Mens Reppola, has vested interests in both the Republic and Empire that would position him as an excellent mediator able to act in good faith over the current Floseswin imbroglio.
One can only hope, though I’m not confident in positive results…
As an Amarr, I would like to apologize to the IGS for Vaari’s drunk posts.