Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

This sentence:

and this sentence:

are in direct contradiction to each other.

You’ll forgive those of us who are busy actually doing something to stop the creation of new victims of the Amarr.

and if you don’t, you can shove your gallente ass back into Federation space.


They really, really aren’t.

I’m going to take that as a very deliberate insult.

Well, at least your reading comprehension seems up to par.

Duly noted.

@Elsebeth_Rhiannon, do you stand behind the words of Cain Aloga, as “his superior in the capsuleer world”?

Pilot Quatrevaux you seem to be trying to pick fights with the very people you claim to support, those whom you claim as kin.

Perhaps this is why you don’t receive the response you appear to be seeking?


Naturally I cannot answer for her, but will she stand by a courageous man she holds to be one of her own, or a Federal interloper busily exporting his own indignant politics? I know where my money is on that.

Since you ask this from me formally: the answer is I don’t give a damn what he calls you or not. Settle your quarrels with him, with him.

That’s funny.

I’m not under the impression that I am allowed to address you informally. Especially given your own comment about me being a nosy foreigner.

This is wrong.

Then may I inquire as to your personal opinion on the matter?

Which matter, again?

Whether my participation in Matari discussions is welcome, or whether, as Mr. Aloga put it, my “Gallente ass” needs to stay to Federal matters.

(Edited for phrasing.)

Others repeatedly post provoking comments about my being too Gallente to count as a Matari, and I’m the one trying to pick fights?

Why should I be the judge of that?

Because you made a vague reference to foreigners interfering with Aloga’s oath. As I’ve already pointed out, only Saronu and I spoke in opposition to it.

I am asking that you clarify whether you were identifying me as a foreigner. Given that this is the very same debacle I’ve had to deal with my entire life, I would very much appreciate it if you would indicate whether you are indeed of that opinion, or not.

In opposition to it… oaths are made believable by their makers, not makers by their oaths. That’s not opposition, that’s reality.

Why do you care? Why do you ask me what I think you are? Is that not yours to state, yours and your clan’s if you have one?

Pretty sure you are the first Krusual ever it occurs to to let me define their tribe.

I state that I am half Krusual and half Gallente, and that my self-identification leans more toward the Minmatar half due to the work I do through my clan.

Perhaps you’re not aware that when you in particular label me as a foreigner, it opens the floodgates for people like Aloga, who also look up to you, to do the same, offering insults such as “Gallente ass”.

As I said to Anna, my particular clan is significantly severed from the rest of the Krusual Tribe. While our customs and traditional beliefs are the same, our ideologies are different. Our actions and ideals are not meant to represent theirs.

I am of Clan Licei. I am considered [translator: free, outside, beyond] to them. I will not be [translator: person, human] until my life debt is paid.

I find it weird that your self-identifaction would matter more than Licei’s, but whatever. It’s not mine to say.

And everyone is responsible for their own conduct and their quarrels. I certainly do not expect my pilots to pick up my personal annoyances or rivalries and I am pretty sure as a respectable clansman Cain Aloga understands this.

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Matters more in what way? It matters more to me for highly personal reasons. But in the larger scheme of things, the clan determines that I can’t wear its tattoos or its other traditions, such as the traditional hairstyles. So of course theirs wins out.