Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

Well-- I guess the point of the name is probably absurdity, but …

You can take something really scary and make it fairly innocuous (even cute, maybe) (at least arguably) by making it little.

Maybe you could make a cute thing terrifying by making it big? Say, like, really big-- a crust-tearing, mantel-gnawing interstellar monstrosity making spritely leaps from planet to planet, landing with the force of a global extinction event, its claws piercing the thin planetary skin as the shock of its arrival spreads through the lithosphere as a global earthquake, tumbling cities on the far side of the planet hours before the atmospheric pressure wave arrives to obliterate the few survivors as the world-hopping horror gorges on delicious pulpy planetary interior like a fruit-eating bat on an orange!


… doable. Still silly, though.

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