Yes, there were voices who asked questions, but I am not sure they were asking the right ones. Why where these traitors there? how did the disease manage to infiltrate the heart of the Republic’s institutions?
I would like to clarify that I am not implying that the Ray of Matar was complicit. But it does highlight why the change of government was so necessarry. She was weak. I am not sure if this is a fault of her own, or if she was bounded by the institutions which she served (I personally believe the latter, as given evidence from her dissolution of the parliament) but the Republic’s economy was stagnated, there was massive exodus into the Federation, and worst of all, there were policies of appeasement.
Were the deaths without trail heavy handed? yes. Where they necessary? Also yes. The purge served to rid the Republic of this weakness, and the Institution of the Tribal Council and the office of the Sanmatar serves to uphold our new strength.