Okay, so, first, nicely quoted, but second, um, respectfully, who are you? … and third, did you know you’re very prominently wearing Blood Raider regalia on your head? It’s not even subtle. I mean, if it’s like a war trophy or something that makes it maybe a display piece at the very outside, but the Amarr generally aren’t big on putting that symbol or any of its related iconography anywhere it can be misunderstood…
One sec. Let me change it… There we go. Also who am I?..who am I? I…am the mighty Sebat Hadah. The blood raider beret is defiantly a war trophy. I killed the captain of a blood raider ship with my bare hands and took his cap from his broken and bloody head… in service to Holy Amarr.
In which case, sir, very respectfully, you probably shouldn’t wear it on yours.
I’m not speaking for myself, you understand. It’s a pretty widely-held sentiment. Wearing the enemy’s captured hull patterns and so on is one thing. Wearing their symbols is another-- particularly since the Sani Sabik have little hesitation about killing one another and claiming trophies to prove their prowess … and their faith.
I won’t say anything more about it, either way, sir, and within the Empire I’m no one to be giving orders to the Faithful. But you really shouldn’t wear that unless you mean to say what it says.
Either way. The people of the empire should never stray from the path.
Narrator: “He demonstrably strayed from the path.”
If you want to get ahead, get a hat.
Oh and by the way House Ardishapur is the most devoted and conservative house of Holy Amarr.
And apparently if you want to get a hat, take a head…
Sorry my head isnt for the taking.
Oh not to worry, I prefer to improve heads rather than take them.
I would love some fashion tips if you got them.
Ah, I meant technologically. I leave fashon tips to those with more experience.
If you want to change things up a bit I’d suggest checking out the lines by Oceane. If he/she really is a rogue drone as rumoured then you know the designs are truly original.
Ill give it a whirl.
Um. Culturally, they might just be, yes, though House Sarum might quibble a little over who’s more conservative in certain respects.
But why did you feel it necessary to say so, sir?
There are Amarr berets out there too, people think you are a blood raider because you have this skull badge on your head, its so simple. It comes down to what you are most proud of and what you want to show. Amarr ideals or a trophy? If trophy, then people would take you more as mercenary.
You’re right, it was inaccurate.
I know you tried to usurp the Empress, and you continue to disrespect her memory.
I know you deny the revealed scriptures in favor of mere reason.
I know that known blooders who have openly mocked her holiness Empress Catiz fervently support you.
I know that you dare compare yourself to his holiness Heideran VII by mimicking his book.
I have never seen you pay proper respect to Empress Catiz.
You wear a lot of white all the time, like those PoTT people.
You’re far, far worse than any blooder.
She was a criminal, not an Empress, no respect given. The darkest time in our grand Empire.
All written works of God are Blasphemous and Sacrilegious to the magnificent glory of God. No human can speak for or put thoughts into words of God. To do so, is to usurp power for ones means and ends. Don’t be fooled by fables. Listen for God’s voice, it is everywhere and it is reasonable.
And what can I do about that, buy a cup of coffee? Apparently you state what you know, but are scarce on what you don’t know. You don’t know my proclamations against Blood Raiders is no more my fault than you not knowing Burn Jita event is in progress. Be more informed.
Well then again, your knowledge is Qaufe. Site source.
Again your knowledge is Fedo. Maybe wake up. Open thine eyes. Read. Learn to sing.
Fashion PVP, it’s a new thing I guess. Nice shoes.
Yes I am. But its relative to what side of justice and right one stands. I did not chose this role, I spoke for those with no voice, for those who lost the will to fight, for those who would have accepted a new future of darkness. That is not the traditional Amarrian way, we bring light to the Cluster, even if that light is of thy love… and that is lasers.
There is an army of soldiers armed with complaint, bemoaning, and in-action in soap box starships. Maters not, for at least we can now debate in the light of a new era. Welcome to freedom from corruption. Go forth Amarrian, and spread kindness as we once have done.
No, Singularity, it is you whose mouth is covered in feces. You profane the Empress. You denounce the Holy Scriptures with your filth. You spit on the prophets who gave us the wisdom of the Lord to guide us through the darkness.
You are damned. Your false empire is damned. Anyone who follows you is damned.
Thanks for your compliment about my shoes but it will not change my opinion about you.
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