Old Fashion merc corp for retirement player's

Are you an experienced player that just hasn’t got the time to play eve any more. You have the skills and the abilty to mess with people, but just have 4 or 5 paps a month in ya any more cos you know, life and stuff.

I would like to set up a merch corp of experienced player’s ideally trained to cap level willing to fight for the hightest bider.

Not a corp of f1 monkey’s but one that will trun up as its own fleet ,with its own fc’s, And in theory capable of bringing the big guns (caps)

I want to be that corp that truns up to F**ks sh1t up just cos we can, not because of a cta or we need the paps but because we have some free time and we can.

I have experance in running a corp in null sec for both large and small blocks. Run incursions to make isk, industry, exploring, mining all the things.

But most of all I love killing the things and the things killing me. Poke me if you thnk I could maybe pull this off and you want in.

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