Old player returning - Stuck in system

The short answer is Ichoriya was moved out of the empire gate network and is now accessible via filaments (magical teleport things that move 1-25 ships to designated types of space) or via wormholes.

Every system that was moved in this way forms a new region of space known as Pochven. Each Pochven system has a single wormhole that is likely to connect to normal space (also known as K-Space), as it links within 3 jumps of the system’s prior location in the empire gate network - some of the Pochven systems were close enough that it can end up being a Pochven-to-Pochven wormhole, however, so it isn’t a guaranteed escape.

Getting out is easiest done via exit filaments - and then you’ll want to look at the [EM] Pochven Entry Manual for ideas on setting up return routes to get back and move anything beyond your first shipload of stuff, or consider selling it all in Pochven and starting over in other areas of space.