Old player tried coming back, bummed out

Few years ago casual player like me could have run ALL missions for free indefinitely, because PLEX could be purchased for reasonable ISK. Now they give you scraps for free, and you are supposed to be grateful. Nah, I don’t think so.

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You hate us, remember? Free? Well…

its still joke easy to plex your accounts though, just because you aren’t able to doesn’t mean it can’t be done. and before, if you where not able to plex you couldn’t play at all, now you can still play as an alpha.



So before, when you were restricted to 14 days of free play, you are saying that you were able to plex your account easily?

And how many hours did you play each day?

How much Isk would you be making if you played “Every once in a while” with the old system?

Lets not be disingenuous here. In the old system, if you were playing for the allotted amount of time, most, if not all trial players were not able to Plex their account. If they were, they werent having any fun, and were spending the better part of the day, grinding. It was possible, yes, but frowned upon, because it would mean you werent doing anything but grinding.

Now, you have all the time in the world, literally, to get enough ISK to plex.

Please dont be disingenuous. Be honest. Lilke the rest of us.

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Looks like paying for a product is last seasons problem, this season people just want free.
Free scraps is free scraps as you so eloquently put it, if you want full access to a game that has had 16 year of developement maybe you should do what the rest of us do and sub or plex.


Free Eve is like free health care. Sounds great until you actually try to heavily use it.

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Free EVE is like free parking. Sounds great until you realize all the parking spots are taken and you have a crappy time waiting for a sub-par experience, and realize you couldve saved yourself a lot of time and hassle had you just gone out and purchased for pay parking.


As a “serial rookie!” I’ve had more experience than most with claims about impressive performance during the old 2-week trials. AFAIK It was never possible to PLEX with those trials (but see below).
Lots of people used to lie about their wealth in the “rookie help” channel though

You could accept an ISK donation from yourself or an ISK-rich friend of course :slight_smile:

  • I looked at the possibility of an experienced trader doing it, but the combination of typical EVE profit margins and the rate the market turns over made it seem impossible. I’ve seen any number of claims of massive trading income in the “rookie help” channel (it was the most popular claim by far), but 100% of them just stopped talking when I challenged them
  • In theory you could be given access to mining in a very high-income location, but that seemed impossible too, due to the limited time for getting SP. It takes a while to get the SP for large efficient mining ships and modules
  • It might be possible via boosting (I never looked at that), but IMO there’s no practical difference between boosting a new player and handing them ISK
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When you didn’t play for a long, long time …
… then you’re not really an old player.

You’re just a returning player.

You are either bullshitting yourself, or trying to ■■■■■■■■ everyone else, because this isn’t true.

There was no way for a casual player to keep up his subscription by running lvl4s.
You weren’t a casual when you’ve done that.

Furthermore, “free” wasn’t a thing. Your life time isn’t “free”. Anyone grinding for ISK to reach a subscription is literally wasting life time, because paying for it with real money is far more efficient.

Work 2h in real life and you can pay 30 days of gametime. It costs far more time to grind ISK to plex, compared to having a job. You having “fun” grinding lvl4s endlessly just so you can sub, so you can grind more, makes you look rather weird.

This time, though, you really get things for free and you are not required to put work into it. That’s what you did, you know? You’ve put work into grinding missions so you could subscribe and wrongly claim that it was “free”, exposing that your life has no value to you.

NOW people can actually play for FREE, without spending endless hours grinding so they can plex their accounts, instead of having fun playing the game.

This thread is ■■■■■■■■.


Guy who contributed zero content to the game or money to ccp continues to contribute zero content to the game or money to ccp. Holy crap lets give them more free stuff so that they can continue to contribute nothing…

It’s like alphas weren’t made for free loading bottom feeders.

You know, back in the day I recall making pretty good isk blitzing lvl 3s :thinking:


This is not “free” you are trading your time to buy PLEX…which is what I do, I trade my time, at my job, so I can buy a subscription.

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Topic Moved to Out of Pod

The purpose to let alphas run Level 4s was so returning players could do them and get hooked enough to go Omega, often with their stashed wealth.

This purpose now is outweighed by the booming botting of missions which is a PITA to fight back and is detrimental to the whole game, thus CCP has picked the lesser evil and has banned bots from exploiting Level 4s.

Not just free but they want to same exact product people willing to pay for get up front.

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Wow! OP really got jumped on in this thread. I understand nobody should expect anything for free, but CCP does heavily advertise “Free to Play” without mentioning in those ads that there are restrictions.

I can see how someone can feel like they got a bait and switch when they were told “you can play EVE for free!” and then they log in only to realize the stuff they wanted to do can’t be done on free accounts. Of course I don’t think CCP cares too much about non-paying customers!

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I’m no longer sure they care about the paying ones more. We are at a point where the CEO thinks it’s OK to call part of their customers “bullies” just because they have fun playing in a way that was maybe not intended but got clearly created by CCP’s neglect for certain parts of the game.


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