On the Reality of Mining Permits

Yea where’s my billion, help a newbro out!

Such a dissapointment

Atleast give Spring her billion, she needs a new Gucci handbag and some catalysts


You need to send me an evemail that tops the email than Aiko had once sent.

You should be happy with what you currently have in New Eden and stop trying to outplay a true Princess such as @Aiko_Danuja


Frosty, you getting very close to getting a smacking.


I’m fulfilling my contractual obligation when quoting the Frostpacker post below:

With that said not sure what to think of said quote considering the below details:

Frostpacker is yet another satisfied customer?

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:


Well , Aiko has taken @Spring_Sky under her wing, and how does Frosty treat her?

when all she did was ask for a billion


Yea, I just wanted to play with my friends and tell you about my fun packed day like you asked of me.

My feelings are genuinely hurt when all I’m guilty of is trying to include you. I’ll never give you a heart again until I get an apology and 1 Billion isk so I can make my catalysts for my friends in safety and get Zaera a ganknado for being a real friend :broken_heart:

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I have designed a new course for misogynists such as Frostpacker

A Dummies Guide For Men Who Don’t Know How To Treat A Woman


  1. Treat her like a human being “with a touch of extra” …
  2. Be thoughtful and sensitive. …
  3. Compliment her. …
  4. Listen and Communicate. …
  5. Respect.


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He should be supporting the up and coming resistance rebels…such as me.

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I see Mr Frostpacker stirred up the hive. :popcorn:

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:


Let’s not start this conversation here off on the assumption that is about me in anyway shape or form.

I am not saying anything insulting to anyone and it isn’t about the Capsuleers.

We are pilots, we all hold a level of anonymity which is respected.

Please don’t let this become personal and play nice together thank you.

But it is sweetie

evil  smile

This is very much about you and your behavior last night.

From trashing my hard work, which mind you was labor of love as I had to mine those minerals. Do you know how embarrassing it was to be seen by my peers in a venture, I almost wanted to cry when Good Girl Kara saw me in that banana boat.

Then you start asking for evemails when I asked for a billion isk as you handed it out like candy and I’m sorry I wanted a piece too.

But the biggest slight, the one that hurt me the most is no one gave you the time of day. But I did, I even wore a cutsie yellow dress I didn’t even do it for isk, I just did it to brighten your day and put a smile on your face. Did I get a compliment no, I got bashed instead.

It’s no wonder why Aiko ignores you now when you treat her friends so poorly.

I’ll be waiting for my wallet to blink and for your apology when your ready.


Why, what did I do wrong?

Let’s recap on something.

You broke rule # 9

This makes me laugh.


Stuff like what you were asking for should first come from a evemail as how else can a pilot know what are the isk funds for and it is easy to keep tract of evemails instread of the forum.

How do we know the services rendered comes into play or not if there is no written aggreement via evemail?

I never told you to prance around wearing that and nor did I ever ask you to slip on any dress or take it off for isk?

Get your facts straight.

Don’t wear yellow for him, he’s a bad man and he has not treated me well.


What a pig

Typical, he didnt even notice

@Spring_Sky This is very true. Aiko tried to be his friend as did I, but he is his own worst enemy.

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Sky Light first needs to learn the pecking order just like Kara…