On the Reality of Mining Permits

Gratz Frostpacker, you now at the bottom.


I know my place and had stayed in the right spot for years, I understand that isk flows upwards and makes everything safe!

When you sober up, I suggest you give Sky a full public appology and compensate her for being such a Pig .


How did you come to this name calling?

I had laughed at the comment regarding hard work in a venture mining.

No, I don’t believe it is necessary to continue this discussion until you find it in your head to redact the farm animal name calling before you leave your barn gate open.

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This thread is a Frostpacker Free zone - no Frostposting allowed.


What goes around comes around.



I’m amazed that you have brought this up, though unfortunately We are not allowed to comment!

In fact too many believe they are not NPC bots but continue to post the same things year after year showcasing no independent thought or uniqueness.


I occasionally mine without any permit. But its not for the ISK, as the amount is trivial. It’s more for the ’ come and get me ’ cat and mouse element. I readily accept the risk…enjoy it even…and it would be ‘good fight…well done’ if I am ever ganked.

Why are miners so risk averse ? It should be fun mining with a risk element. There should be no ISK without risk, as risk is fundamentally what Eve is all about.


You mean hull mining. For that you also require a mining permit.

No…actual ore mining in a Venture called Bill & Ted’s Excellent Venture. In a char nobody’s ever heard of. You’d have to catch me to impose the permit :slight_smile:

And, I mean, that’s the whole fun of it.

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There ya go

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Howabout introducing Pre-Permits to be able to issue official Mining Permits ?

They would cost 8mil each.

It’s to cover the admin costs and miner’s safety/protection from illegal Mining Permit distribution.

Deliver the isk directly to me, thanks.

How about we just gank you instead?


Howabout you try and fail everytime ?

As a 2007 character, you would have to be like super dumb to be ganked, but just to be safe, I’d buy a mining permit.

Especially as I’ve dabbled in ganking myself, but not on this char.

Btw it’s not too late to purchase a pre-permit for 8mil.

Send the isk directly to me, you never know, your gank targets might suddenly appear ungankable.

Just to be safe.

You amuse me.

Mining permit 1 billion - just for you


Send 800mil first

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