On the Reality of Mining Permits

Are they though?

I would say the vast majority of high sec miners are hands, and eyes off screen and keyboard players.

If they weren’t, you would see a lot less success ganks.

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I’m very curious about all the rage over Goodest Girl Kara, to the observant this could be from fear or anxiety like an involuntary trauma response. Did Kara hurt you? Are you suffering from PTSD, did she pod your ships or beat you up for your lunch money? Was she a better pilot? Was she a love interest that rejected you? Not sure what the story is I’ll have to ask her next time I see her, she was such a sweet heart though I can’t imagine her being a bully.:thinking:


Frostpacker just has a problem with women, Aiko herself having blocked him.

She also is progressing nicely as a ganker, something poor Frosty failed at due to an innability to follow orders.


Miners don’t get told what to do, they mine what, when and where they decide.

How they mine is up to the gankers and why they mine is beyond your wildest imagination.

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Frostpacker also likes wordsalad which will do your head in.

He still owes you an appology, but then that is like trying to get blood out of a stone.



I’ll have to try and go hunting with Kara then, id like to learn too! I noticed her all over the mercenary kill right boards, fierce indeed. I’ll have to get her version of events so I can chronicle it

Yea, frostpacker is just a dusty miner with big ick energy so I won’t bother expecting an old dog to change it’s ways.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:

:smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:



Mining permits…

“There’s one born every minute.”

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Guess who?


Let me think for a minute :thinking:

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I am THE Goodest Girl, yes!

Thank you for measuring my self-improvement efforts, Zaera, your kind words mean a lot to me :3


Reminds me of the old ditto…

“Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, and little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum”

And that is Eve in a single sentence :slight_smile:

Indeed. For a substantial fee, I permit CCP to use the gif to promote eve and bring more flys to splat to the game.


My message to CCP would be…people need to find risk a fun thing. The NPE, at least the one I had, that says ’ you will die lots of times’ doesn’t seem to get the message home. It’s like, no sooner have people had that infamous NPE Astero battle and got told they are immortal and will die often…than they are out in space quaking in their boots over the prospect of losing a poxy Venture they can replace for free anyway. And cursing and crying at anyone that does make them die…not even often but just once.

Maybe the NPE should have multiple deaths…just to make the point. I would even add that being ganked as a noob should be part of the NPE.

Made a new alt recenlty skipped over that Astero Battle nonsense. It was just delaying my alt from getting her fangs into her first victim.

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AI generated ? I see a lot of that sort of stuff on Deviant Art website. I never know if someone has hand drawn it or has just told some AI programme ‘generate an elf vampire’.

It seems even the purist gankers became bot aspirants when it comes to lazy art generation… not so different from the lazy miners they often criticize.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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You jumping the gun buster

No ganker has admitted to using AI generation

Miners however are lazy bums

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Don’t forget that you are also a member of the Miners Association Committee!

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Don’t forget that Frotposting is forbidden