On the Reality of Mining Permits

This is very amusing =D

I don’t usually login to threads like these but since he sent me the link and I found out he was sending screen shots “from what appears to be a phone camera” I figured this is fun XD

the man is tryna pay lol give him the permit & let him go! XD

Cheerz o7


So why was I kicked out of the bar and grill just now?

What did I do wrong?

Why no one can help me?

You sent the yak back? I needed you to please forward that isk I sent you to the thread owner as each time I tried it comes back with payment error.

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It is said that ignorance is bliss, except if you’re a frostpacker, as then the torment is never ending, because that case there is never bliss regardless the amount of ignorance involved. :smirk:

:popcorn: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

Edit: Btw safe to assume this below no longer applies?

found joy and you can’t take that away

:thinking: :innocent: :blush:


…and is subject to the usual market considerations. In order to cover the costs of ganking solo in the boondocks of Minmatar space I must set a realistic price for the (otherwise priceless) Permit.

i Billion ISK is a steal. Ask anyone!

I understand that you can win a 24-hour ‘Why Was I Ganked?’ Channel Pass if you correctly answer the Saviourette’s *‘Questions Three’. Of course, that will be of improbable value to you if she is incommunicado where you and your troupe are concerned.

*It was a feature of the original Code of Conduct. The questions were posed by the Supreme Protector himself (James 315). If successful, the examinee earned a one-day reprieve. It is my understanding that the Monty Python Team tried to float a similar idea…


I’m anyone so I’ll answer. Don’t buy mining permits.

Luckily for those of us flogging Mining Permits, nothing appearing in the C&P Sub-Forum is likely to be seen by more than ~20 players - including, of course, your cruel exhortation.

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Mining permits are great, I can mine the glazes, and run the content in safety’s domain with little issue. It’s not 100% safe, but nothing ever is.

The only drawback I’ve encountered so far is the jealousy of other none card holding members. But that’s what the catalysts and mallers are for.

What you don’t understand is how fast you can get glaze into Jita for signing up, and how fast you make that isk back. It’s like signing for a cash rewards card that you have to put money forward going into.

Safety only asks that you pay it forward and not bot because of how frustrating it is for single pilot miners to get shoved around by multi box fleets

Aiko = Friend To All


It had been said that when a miner tries to talk about the new costs of your so called miner permit then that miner is making a big deal out of something when entirely unwarranted and that miner was being petty and one who is of little importance or value.

All this time I had thought that all miners having secondary rank.

So now some pilot wants to try and teach me to be better but only if I behave nicely.

It was not my first time being Channel blocked.

My only complaint is that I was invited to that cool T-W-S Grill channel

When I read the title I had though it was a venting channel to grill over the issue at hand
Best that you delete my contact as I deleted that evemail.

You are not my Princess!

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Your second evemail said it all no reason to continue that path


Hi Felix, I don’t believe I’ve ever sent you an Evemail. Are you sure you replied to the correct post?


There’s sucker born every minute.

Not real for me. I mine and dont have permit.

Our brain.

The emotional conection the brain has with pixels.

I dont known but you should, you sell them.

Probly people who dont pay for them.

I think you understand very well.

Very good.

I dont know. Maybe.

Yes, those who pay for permit cant deny existance of it.

Good luck with that and permits and evrything while I continue to ignore the existance of permit.



What about? I doubt or you doubt? One word sentence dificult to understand.

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I guess she gone. Could not withstand the power of my gaze :eyes:

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Love how the man-child comes out in people.

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Hi Sasha, how are things with your hangers?

Anything undocking or whatever you do in New Eden?

O just the usual, Felix. You know, flogging Permits, bumping miners, mixing it up a bit.

I’ve decided to do the Minmatar Epic Arc (‘Wildfire’), only because I’ve not done any of them since ‘The Blood-Stained Stars’, all those years ago!

My hangars are fine, robust, but swollen with junk and obsolete modules. I really must have a clear-out some day…

I hope you (and your troupe of players) are well!

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I’ve already been given permission to mine without a permit.

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Regular players like us are not worthy of a few words from her.
Better mute and move on, sweetie.