On Those With Inferior Blood

I think it is mayhaps irony, that these quotes are brought forth to stand in for a supposedly genetic superiority of the Amarr people, the idea that it is our blood that makes us superior - and not our conformity with God’s plan in thoughts, words and actions.

It shows how often capsuleers of the Empire end up being dangerously close, if not wholly subject to the most heretic and disgusting dogmas of the heinous Blood Raider cult and it’s myriad offshoots.

Yes, purity of blood and the body is important - but it’s not achieved by a certain material makeup. The sanctity of flesh and blood is wholly dependent on thoughts, words and actions - namely on those being good, being in accord with the will of God. The Amarr got chosen as His prime servants not because of their genetic makeup or some material quality of their blood: We Amarr became God’s choosen because we lived righteously and in fear of God.

Someone who stops caring about those very thoughts, words and actions and the quality of those either because of their pedigree or because they think that goodness in those springs forth from genetics and blood are the ones closest to the sin of pride, the first that fall and the ones that fall deepest. Amarr is meant to be humble servants of God, and that’s wherein true glory lies. They stop being True Amarr, and start being merely Amarr by heritage. Stricken from the Book of Records, those poor souls are truely the most miserable. Make no mistake: If you stop acting true to His will, you will not be His chosen anymore, Cpt. Alcerys.

Yes, there is sanctity of flesh. But the flesh is sanctifed because of the continuous use of the bodily tool in constant service of the divine through good thoughts, good words and - in the case of the body of especial importance - good actions. One shouldn’t confuse the effect with the cause in this.

And yes, there is importance in pedigree. Humans are product of habit and it makes a difference if someone has been grown up in the faith and a household where they learned to be fearful of God and humble themselves before Him - or one where they only learned to bear the trapping of faith without growing into it, making it into an empty shell, and in pride over their pedigree and ‘blood’. It makes a difference from whence we come.

That said, the admonition is: “To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin.” - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21
It’s exactly an admonition spoken to the True Amarr, to those that should be servants of Lord God Pancrator, yet don’t follow the path of servitude, of humbling themselves before God and putting His will before theirs. That is the gravest sin, them who should know better, not humbling themselves before God.

And it starts with the belief that your status doesn’t depend on whether you live a life of true servitude, but that it is a given because of who birthed you. God in his mercy made it especially easy for you by having you born into this world in a position, where you had the opportunity to learn from the day you first saw the light of this world what it means to be a servant. Don’t squander this grace by feeling entitled over it.

The first and most important convert in the life of any True Amarr is themselves. To reclaim oneself for God as the wilderness needs to be reclaimed to be turned into a garden, is what makes you fertile soil to recieve God’s wisdom and lets you bear the fruit that is the Good Words which need to be spoken to those in need of them.

Yet, it’s the fruits of that labor that show us, if we have been good servants in God’s garden. And I don’t see any fruits growing on this field here, except sour ones that aren’t comestible at all.

I suggest you turn the light of your judgement against yourself, find your own flaws before you seek and point them out in others. Humble yourself before God and bring your own house in order.

“Which test reveals more of the soul, the test that a man will take to prove his faith, or the test that finds the man who believed his faith already proven? If you know this answer, then you also know which of these challenges bear the greatest penalty for failure. The gates of paradise will open for you one time only; woe to the soul who dares to knock twice.”
- The Scriptures, Book of Missions 5:14