Open Letter to Harkon Thorson

And what schemes would those be?

I mean, look, I’m certainly not going to suggest that we should be going around attacking civilian populations, but let’s look at what we actually have, right now.

We have a release of staged footage where a dramatic statement is made, and then a man is fatally shot. Then threats.

Do we have actual evidence of anything being claimed in this footage?

Lady Cerra claims this man was an agent of Harkon Thorson. Where is her proof?
She claims he admitted to a role in ‘horrific schemes’. What are they? What role was that?
She claims he was a sleeper agent who blended in with the Octanneve refugees. How? When did he infiltrate them?

I mean, I’ve been looking at the news articles. I’ve been reviewing these boards. There’s been no previous mention of the Octanneve refugees going to Huola. So how did he know where to go—ahead of the disaster, no less, so he could be in among the refugees—to just happen to end up on Huola VII? Gotta say, that’s some damned good pre-planning, putting sleeper agents into backwater cities of 400k ahead of a natural disaster so they could be rescued and evacuated to target systems in a warzone.

Look, we all know what Harkon claimed about Huola. We’re also all capable of looking the system up (if not flying there) to see that hey, look, there’s more than one planet! In fact, there’s 4 Barren[1] and 1 Oceanic planet, which we all know have colony infrastructure, and Holders. But we’re expected, with no additional indications, to believe that Harkon was talking about hitting a Holding with a history of public support for abolition.

And it was a Deathglow attack. How convenient, then, that a chemical weapon we know the Blooders have been using against rivals and enemies of Alar Chakaid should be used on a Sarum world… and Ushra’Khan blamed for it.

We’ve seen no proof from House Sarum, either. But they say it, and we’re just expected to believe it, I suppose.

Is anyone buying this? Seriously?

So let’s see it, then, @Shalee_Lianne_Cerra. Let’s see the evidence you have, beyond the word of a man you’ve conveniently killed, that this is really Harkon’s plot, and not just a bit of lovely dinner theater you’re indulging in.

You know, I prefer an honest slaver like Mitty to someone who makes a show of using ‘abolitionism’ as a shield while threatening genocide.

1. Including Huola VI, where we know the Thukker Seykal Clan recently attacked.