Does this clip from CONCORD billboard looks familiar (Pochven event maybe) or is it something new?
I’ve found it in EVE client entrails while toying with TriExporter
client file .\SharedCache\ResFiles\54\54024979f22e289b_81c366d9a702aad6e8e91931acc53c96
path shown in the TriExporter is res:/video/billboards/takeover/eve_concord_billboard_takeover.webm
Also FYI, I’ve found the info the jove navigators from observatories has been removed (lookup Removed items section)
Apparently there were 30 of them
I wonder if digging into this client files and consulting them with that hoboleaks diff feature could give total insight into that Epiphany thing without ever undocking
This would then be reduced to PvC (or Player vs Code) …and cashing 50B for it.