Operation Magic School Bus

This ^

I would buy it and join that conga line in a heart beat.

They are always watching what we do to make things better for everyone.

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I stopped looking at this post for a week, my apologies for the tardiness of my reply, but I AM one of the recipients of a magic school bus ship.

Look me up in game, send me a chat request. I kept missing Mike for a few days, but stayed nearby one day, and managed to get to my newbie home station intime to receive his VERY GENEROUS gift.

I saw his interaction with other players in local, and, sure. I could be an alt for all you can tell from here, but Iā€™m not. Iā€™m active in Eve University chat, in their discord, and just participated in my first Unistas Pirate Stronghold fleet.

Iā€™m real, and Mike gave me a very nice ship, which, until the last week or so, was still BY FAR the most valuable asset I own. Iā€™m not a traditional MMO player, and the learning curve in Eve is sooo steep. Still identifying new TYPES of unknown unknowns every time I play.

Iā€™ve been playing less than a month, and his generous (and frankly ruinously labor intensive) project acted as a strong antidote to the earliest fears I had about Eve. Without him, and Eve University, I probably wouldnā€™t have stuck around long enough to get a better feel for what Eve, and community within Eve, could be.

So, yeah, thatā€™s me.

Thanks again , @Mike_Azariah


And I can vouch for that too. Thatā€™s where/how I learned about the Magic School Bus, even if it took me a week to actually be in the station at the right time while Mike was touring around.

          • 5-stars for the Magic School Bus

Heard about it from many people, but never met him in space until today! Too old for some ships, but still got something from the magical man Mike.

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Once, each day, while the Alliance tourney is running I leave a reminder to donate to the Bus, but the big fundraiser will be in November.


I hear it is the MSB 10th anniversary in November. Is that correct? I think it would reflect a lot of the playerā€™s sentiment on behalf of CCP, if the developers made a NPC station named after the program.

Either way, my corp P.R.I.C.E. is ready to donate to the MSB program this November. We first met Mike through Princess Ember, last year at this time, who was gifted a fighter well beyond her skills to use it. Mikeā€™s honest and thoughtful nature, to lavish such items upon new players is extraordinary behavior in any online game. If this tiny grandma can grind out a billion ISK as an alpha, what can your massive omega corps provide? See you in November Mike.

Have fun!


Good to see this is still running after all these years.


The Bus will be celebrating the 12 days of Christmas in grand style. Keep an eye on Rookie Help chat for when the Bus is out and about. Normal Bus rules will be on hold as I ignore the usual age and ship size limits.
