Operation: Snake Hunter

Yes, I know you have spoken to you. Maybe, just maybe they are entertaining you for the lulz.

Sure add me on Reddit: CrazyLolitaFan1

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Maybe, but they seem like sincerely cool guys. And apparently more people from Patchwork have reached out to them about the situation, so I’m glad they are taking action.

Wait you have an account on Reddit!!!

I dont.

I might create one just for you and we can send us :love_letter:.

Bruh, your judgement and trust in people is TERRIBLE.


I mean CrazyLolitaFan1 is probably taken by now so I’ll have to add a lot of digits, but I’m down for it :joy:

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Why u no reply to me, or have you been humiliated by yours truly enough?


I mean that’s just my first impression, they seem like good guys. Yea I was wrong about Dwerth but hey, I’m trying to restore my faith in humanity here.


You just trash-post about 1v1 pvp to come and fight you. But I’m focused on knocking down Dwerth’s stations at the moment. I’m not in a hurry to delete another 500m on a Drake navy with t1 NewBro modules :joy:

You cant even take me out, then declare war on all my allies and my leaders? Come on man. At least take out the grunt.

Yea that’s a great use of my time. Let me declare war on someone that didn’t lie to me, or stab me in the back, and has nothing to lose. cmon dude. :rofl:

True. I’m just here as an enforcer. And enforce it on you I did.

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Yea I mean the reason I don’t reply to your posts is that they are usually weird flexes about beating me in ships with t1 mods, outgunned and outnumbered. It’s a massive waste of time. :slight_smile:



Thanks PLOW :hugs:

We are literally not doing this for you. Encroachment happened in our pocket and we are clearing out the rif raf.

Ok Yessie, Just go ahead and tell me Santa Claus doesn’t exist while you’re at it. Destroy all the warm fuzzy feelings inside of me until they’re all gone. :pensive:

Gonna speak for humanity on this one. No thanks.

Love, humanity

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