Option to remove all the clutter and stop the data collecting?

Anyone found an option to remove the Users Column and all the icons?
Same thing goes for the spam you see underneath the opening post of a new topic…

Oh and while i’m typing this, does someone know how i can -STOP- the “Your topic is similar to…” screen?
Because this topic is not at all similar to a topic of someone talking about a YC119 Writing contest or the requirements of flying a Rorqual.

Terrible UX you picked CCP!
The framework of this forum is about collecting user data -a la facebook- and not to provide a better forum experience to the people that play this game. No Kudos for you guys this time.


This echos some of my complaints as well. The signal to noise ratio (if you include the ridiculous whitespace) is terrible, can barely read 3 posts and have to scroll some more.

Options to remove/not show pictures, signatures and other nonsense unless specifically wanted.

Plus why do we need googletagmanager.com for a forum? Is our content going to be fodder for ads or other stuff we dont want?

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