"Our Future" - Miss Federation's statement on the recent shift in Gallentean foreign policy

Then you should, as usual, educate yourself.

And that’s far from the first time I spoke about how the State, Republic, and literally all of New Eden would be better off with a State/Republic alliance, because no matter what the current crop of pissy Federal politicians might do as posturing, the Federation and Empire are each one another’s primary rival in the cluster, and neither can allow the other to get any noticeable lead in relative power.

And going even further back: I worked in the State for a number of years. I like the State. I like their general attitude of ‘don’t tell us how to do crap, we won’t tell you how you’re screwing it up’. They’re good people, and we have a lot in common with them.

When you know not whereof you speak, your mouth is best used for chewing.
           —Stjörnauga proverb

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