Overview settings: Distinguish between friendly/hostile NPC

I know this has been asked before and I have had many tries at this, started my overview over several times and havent found anything online yet. Im trying to get friendly npc’s off my combat filter.

If I disable anything in the entity part of overview settings, say Calderi ships it will remove the navy ships, but also any hostiles flying the same type of ship. Same with sentry guns, drones and so on. Atleast thats how it seems to work.

Given the detail of the player filters… I can just about hide/show a player by how many hairs are on their head. Seems really odd that I cant filter npc’s by “good guy, bad guy”.

I think Im either missing something real simple or I just need to get over an overview of blue.

Why do you want to do that ( besides the fact that shooting at blue NPC is a really bad idea )?
Bad guys are red, good guys blue… I see no need to take the blue guys off the Overview.
I guess you have your reason. Whatever it is, good luck figuring it out.

Is there no way to filter based on standings?

I know it works for player ships and allows me to show only friendly or only enemy ships. I would assume the same filter works for NPCs. I’m not at my PC right now or I would look into it myself.

Ah its not a big issue. Just annoying when Im watching for players/red npcs and the overview is full of faction ships. I have most tabs set for distance, so things move up/down the list a lot.

But the Overview has several tabs. Mine has PvP and PvE tabs so the player ships are at least separate from the PvE/NPC ships.
I use the EvE-Uni Overview. It’s really helpful to me.
I haven’t yet felt the need to separate red from blue NPCs since when there are red NPCs in space I’m on a mission or ratting and there are no blue NPCs around.

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If you right click the entity in the overview, when you see it, you can remove just that type of entity without removing the whole group.

I’ve yet to find an instance where a hostile is removed by accident while doing this. It’s the long way to adjust your overview, but the most accurate when it comes to removing just the things you don’t want on that particular overview tab.

You mean “remove from overview”?
For some things thats too general. Like removing sentry gun, removes ALL sentry guns. Same with faction ships.

You can only work with you have available. Entities are defined as groups (and a lot of them). You will not be able to distinguish between individual entities within the same group (say 1 sentry in a group of sentries, or 1 planet in a solar system). But you will be able to make tabs that show only your mission npc’s and nothing else, as an example, or ones that include diamond rats and triglavians, or even exclude them etc.

What “friendly” NPC’s are your referring to ?

For example, sentry gun:
I want to see pirate guns, but not concord or minmatar

That would be based on standings then. Have you tried fiddling with this part of the overview settings, the “Exceptions” ? Not sure if it affects npc’s as such, but worth a try. That’s the closest thing I can find to linking “show” with “standing”.

That still wouldn’t make a difference between say neutral concord and neutral amarr, but at least it would filter out the ones that are not supposed to attack you on sight :smiley:

Nah, doesnt cover npcs, thanks for looking though.

Really doesnt seem to be an option hey…

While not a solution, as a workaround you can have multiple overview tabs open at the same time.

Dedicate one to NPCs, the other tab to players, navigation or whatever else you need and now blue NPCs won’t fill your navigation tab or make it hard to target players.

I have been using two overview tabs simultaneously since CCP added it and it has been a great QoL change.

Personally I don’t rat much so I have removed NPCs from all of my overviews. I use brackets to see and target them if needed.

I would also like to have this in my overview setup. I wish we had a similar filter for NPC ships (friendly/non-friendly).