Panic Buttons for ships that are targeted for Ganking

an idea can take the time to be “fleshed out” by the commentor by thinking about it before he actually vomit his garbage onto a public forum, like this comment you just made right now.

a poster can think, “i want to submit this idea, and let me think about the potential ways it could have problems, drawbacks, or unintended consequences.” but instead, you, and other garbage like you, just spew horrifically bad ideas to the forums without thinking about it. most of it comes from your lack of experience with the game, and part of it comes from your lack of familiarity with various aspects of the game that isn’t your specific garbage playstyle.

and when you get called out on it, you resort to personal attacks like:



A case in point. I post something and get a negative, hostile, ad hominem reply in under 3 minutes. And the post was not addressed to him nor even mentioned him.

I didn’t get called out. I got misrepresented and had words put in my mouth. You want offensive? THAT’S effing offensive. I prefer the ad hominems cause they are easier to dismiss.

This just shows why you don’t belong here. That is totally counter to the sticky rules for this subsection. One of them is:

Please put some ideas into it, even if it’s just a suggestion or two to spark a thread.

There is nothing in there about fleshing it out first. In fact, its the exact opposite of fleshing it out first. You simply have no clue how discussion and idea building work. You are incapable of learning, progressing, discussing or cooperating. You are not constructive. You are DEstructive. You do not belong here.

I just do not think a few catalyst, ruptures or talos should be able to gank a freighter. The ISK investment vs the losses is OP in my view.

CCP made war Decing harder. They should make ganking harder with the same ADC or Roq panic buttons.

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You could, by simply not getting triggered by one part of a post and ignoring all the rest. I put in some significant feedback to your surrender button idea, which you glossed over.

And the critique is not just over what you simply said in this thread. It was of your general demeanor in all of your replies, where you take every little thing as an outright attack (which it isn’t) and in general than ignore the actual topical information.

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Paying for a concord escort would be a pretty cool idea


I don’t get it

P.S. please show us the killmail

Highsec wardeccer wants panic button on a freighter either because he lost one or saw a war target die to a gank before he could get to it…

Really a pathetic post cloneboy, some one other then blackflag profits and you’ve got to cry about it.

Not everything needs an adc… There’s a reason it’s got the word Assualt in the wording… Go back to camping jita…

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I think hes on to something here, maybe Citadels can also get panic buttons that give 100% resists for 30 minutes.

I don’t think you understand the meaning of “to gloss over”. I did not comment on your feedback. That is not to say I tried to conceal or dismiss its importance. I just left it where it was.

First of all, and maybe my wording was not clear enough, but I only meant temporarily disabled as far as shooting the victim’s ship is concerned. If surrender is accepted, the attacker cannot shoot the victim for a certain period. But if surrender is declined, the attacker can simply start firing again.

Second of all, yes, being flashing red and sitting there is going to be a problem for the attacker in various ways, and some of them may not be considered fair. It would generally not be considered fair in EVE for Concord to just hold them there disabled and flashing red for anyone to get a risk free kill. I personally don’t have an issue with that, but I can see how gankers and would-be highwaymen would rage quit, yes.

Upon consideration, I am going to have everything tied to a one time ISK ransom offer from the victim (to avoid spamming offers and speed the process) combined with a slight delay in Concord response time to compensate for the time the surrender feature clicking will take. The following ideas will assume that is how the surrender button works, with methodology for ransom payments to be worked out later. ( I am also considering ways of getting rid of or altering Concord response dramatically but its too complicated for me to sort out in this post. Maybe some other time).

So it could simply be that the attacker loses the criminal status with regards to the victim immediately when that surrender button is hit. Concord will not engage or cease engagment (provided no other Concordable flashy) and no player can engage the attacker from that point (but if already engaged, too bad). If surrender is accepted I see a potential programming problem there though, because now the red flashy has to be tied to individual victims. That could be already a part of the system, simple to fix or cause a cascade of issues. IDK. But if that is all doable then generally attackers can take surrender and isk and just walk away. OR decline surrender, regain the criminal status and its just like any other gank with a slight hiccup of a pop up window and re-engaging weapons.

Another issue would be that outlaws (very low sec status) and those with a separate criminal flashy already will likely never have the time to complete the gank if the victim receives extra tank, surrender is accepted AND Concord shows up. They might have lost the criminal flashy and timer specific to this victim, and antigankers’ help may or may not arrive, but Concord will be oblged to blow them up as soon as they do arrive. I was thinking of some ways around that, including temporary Concord protection (in light of surrender) but everything seems subject to abuse and excessive technical difficulties ATM. So for those with separate Concordable status I have 3 options 1) screw em. They are outlaws and criminals. They need to improve their sec status to gank, or gank after the flashy expired. Anyway, they got raw isk for their lost ship. Isn’t that enough? 2) Withdraw the defensive boost of the victim I proposed. All the victim gets is a temporary disabling of the attacker’s weapons and the hope surrender is accepted. Very little time would be lost in this exchange providing the attacker is not a slow poke clicking “NO” to the surrender pop up and re-engaging weapons. 3) No more disabling of warp drives before Concord even arrives on grid OR re-enable in the event of a surrender. Outlaws better just take the surrender and the ransom and warp away before Concord arrives. Move on to the next victim or die there.

I feel I need to emphasize that what propose would take very little time for the attacker. The ransom/surrender pop up window appears, they either accept or decline, and re-engage weapons if they decline, with no need to even get a fresh target lock. Could be under two seconds for the speedy and prepared. Whether to delay Concord 5 seconds or 10 or whatever would be a matter of trial and error I think. The extra time for AG’s to arrive would be negligible.

I think that covers your questions/issues well enough for an initial response to them.

One fresh issue came to mind. What if one attacker accepts surrender, but an all new attacker engages the victim?

I guess the victim would need to be made invulnerable to fresh locks for a minute or so.

And what to do for multiple attackers? I guess if one accepts surrender, it gets accepted for all, and the ransom will be split evenly between them.

That opens up the possibility of attacking your own ALT, accepting surrender, preventing the gank, and paying yourself a bit of ransom with the rest going to other attackers. That sounds REALLY risky for the defender trying to game this mechanic. One slip and they will lose their ship, whether to Concord or the gankers. I would say, let them try. They be better be real fast. Super fast.

Make it 3 hours, because time zones, you know.

30 min is the maximum time for self-repair to then happen. So if resists are 100%, incoming damage is 0 and the timer can never be stopped.

Means no Upwell structures can ever be destroyed if someone with permissions is there to press the panic, even with a 30 min resist buff.

Stop talking about structures everyone. The thread title and OP are clearly about ships, and ships only.

This is a trollthread and everyone’s falling for it.

1/10. This is no achievement, because people are idiots.

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Seems like a higher percentage than normal of troll threads recently. Engaging with them makes for some out of game entertainment, especially when stuck at home.

Indeed, but here is a draft of how a PANIC button might work in Empire space:

  1. The Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core can be fit to Orcas and Freighters.

  2. When activated it, works as before but with these additional steps in highsec:

  • A dialogue box for a new, opt-in aggression flag is presented to anyone in system. This flag is basically just a free-for-all flag that allows CONCORD-free fighting/repping between all parties opting in. It lasts for the length of the PANIC timer plus 15 minutes.

  • The ship activating the PANIC button and all ships protected by it are automatically flagged as part of the fight. Anyone else can join at anytime while this communal flag is still present. If they join they can shoot or rep the industrial ships, or anyone else who opts in.

  • The flag is only lost upon leaving the system or when the whole mini-event expires. You get a 15 minute timer preventing you from reflagging.

  • To keep it simple, there is only one free-for-all flag available per system. If two PANIC modules are activated, everyone can fight everyone else.

  • Both CONCORD and the Faction Police stay out of these fights. That means the FacPo stop chasing outlaws (-10 security status) for the duration of the free-for-all flag so the criminals can give a ‘Gud Fight’ to any vigilantes as well as their original targets and their reinforcements. You still get CONCORDed if you have a GCC or you commit a criminal act like shooting an unflagged ship even if you are flagged.

  • Ultimately, this system could be extended to structures (opt-in reinforcement timer free-for-alls), replacing wars completely and allow a more fluid and organic way for fights to escalate and groups to join each side.

Such a system would allow highsec capital and baby capital ship pilots to buy time for reinforcements and fight off the attackers if they want and allow criminals (or anyone else) to also escalate. It would also be optional, and if not used, CONCORD would respond as before. You might need some adjustments to CONCORD or the ships themselves to balance this as it might never get used given how free and efficient CONCORD is.

The only major flaw I see now is that the original attackers might not be able to participate in the mini-event because of the GCC but maybe that isn’t a problem or could be solved with a small tweak. Perhaps the PANIC button clears the GCC of all capsuleers on-grid when activated (but they still lose their ships to CONCORD) - this could I guess be abused by criminals to clear GCCs, but they would have to put an Orca at risk each time they use it so maybe that would work.

EDIT: A second flaw might be that the industrial ships can just warp off right at the start of the fight as there are no bubbles. Perhaps there needs to be a 30 second or 60 second no-warp timer for the original industrial ships.

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So nothing changes, because the afk people can’t press the button …
… and when they do it, they’ll get shot down anyway?

This reminds me of when people were crying about others stealing their cans.
So CCP implemented a flagging system allowing them to fight back.
The end result was that they kept dieing anyway, because carebears don’t fight back.

No. :angry:

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Of course that would be the outcome, but the OP wanted a PANIC system for freighters and this might be one. This would allow for competent groups to fight over these capital ships in highsec, but yes carebears would still die just the same (or perhaps the same after a 7 minute delay :slight_smile: ). It wouldn’t magically save them from the bad people like they want; they would have to fight.

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Uedama would turn into a permanent FFA …
… and every group worth their salt would have alts with PANIC buttons …
… logged off and spread throughout highsec.