Patch Notes for 18.04 Releases

Correct … looking with sadness on my A-type …

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rip 50 mil ehp levis and wyverns

It was never going to be “net” change of 20%…
It was a 20% reduction in the resistance strength of the module…

i.e., a module that gave 50% resistances would lose 20% of its strength, (10%) and the final result would be that the module gives 40% resistances after the patch

details, details

Dear CCP,
thank you for continuing to balancing and updating your great game, and frequently so!

However, I just checked with PYFA how the resistance nerf would affect rather expensive battleships using shield boosters or armour repairers, ie active tanks.

The nerf is terrible to active tanked battleships, ie brawling battleships, especially the very expensive ones.

A very blinged example to see why spending a lot of ISK is now stupid:
Scorpion Navy Issue
Fit, mid slots:
2 Pithum A-type Invul Shield Harderners
1 Shield Boost Amplifier
(plus: mid-crystals + strong blue pill + Hardshell TB9 dose IV)

Before nerf: 4963 ehp/s
After nerf: 3478 ehp/s (!!)
That is a hefty 30 % decrease in shield boosting!!

A more affordable example, a semi-blinged Praxis
using two armour repairers

Fit, low slots:
Dark Blood Large Armour Repairer
Core X-Type Large Armour Repairer
Reactive Armor Hardener
2 Imperial Energized Adaptive Nano Membranes
(Mid-Grade Asklepian implants + Standard Exile + Hardshell dose III)

Before nerf: 2117 ehp/s
After nerf: 1844 ehp/s

That is a 13 % decrease in armour repaired per second.

Was it really CCPs intention to decrease the effectiveness of active tanked ships?!? These ships are used for brawling, remember…


I want you to take a second to imagine how broken javelin with a 15% buff would be

Are you devs goin mad !!! 20% reduced resistance ??? This is a impertinence…
Why are you supportng gankers more and more instead of punish them !!!


CCP never address specifically active tanked ships in their entire update.

Also, congrats, you’re doing the math that everyone else with a brain had already done. Fits that used to rely on the highest strength resistances will see a greater drop in effectiveness.

This is about a year old: Reddit - Dive into anything


Because if CCP punished them it would take away the fun you could have in punishing them yourself. Don’t like what they do? Find other people who also don’t, pool your resources, buy up all of the guns and ammo and ships they use until the prices double or triple.

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The butthurt is strong today.

Also it appears that math and comprehension skills continue to decrease.


Because that’s how it should be.

So this means my Deep Space Transport, which got a buff years ago because it was useless, which now has roughly 100k ehp due to high resists. Will practically melt to a brawler fit Deimos in Litura… thanx, that guy’s at least going to be happy


frankly… most of what i am reading here is, CCP, stop nerfing, start INNOVATING, your slacking off and taking the easy nasty way out way to much.




Rather than getting pissed off, or bothering to rebuild everything I have managed to make I just canceled my subscription and will revert back to where I was six months ago or so which is where they put me with this nerf anyway.
I always felt kind of crappy having the advantages that omega accounts have, so in a sense they not only just saved me some money, but now I can play on equal terms with everyone in the game. The cool thing is now I dont have to deal with a gigantic skill queue!
Now I can afford more coffee to stay awake longer and get even more nervous at gatecamps.
Hell yah!


No, they didn’t. It does look like you missed the title of the section under which that announcement was made, though: Brawler’s Paradise.

Are you ■■■■■■■ serious ??? Not every one is a ganker and loves this forced pvp…


Meanwhile somewhere in HS:

‘Hey boss they implemented Surgical Strike patch. Our hardnerers are not so hard as before. My Loki 720mm fit is not usable anymore, and Munin is same crap as it was 2 years ago. What shoud we do? What should we do???’

‘Do same as we always do. Keep mining. Mine and wave, mine and wave…’


Russia -> English Google Translate did not work well.

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This graph is the reason why I DON’T think the changes are a big deal, because the majority of players aren’t going to be significantly affected, and the only players that are significantly affected are the ones CCP wanted to nerf the impact of logi/self-reps to begin with. So ultimately the playing field has been leveled just by shifting everyone a hair to the right, but even moreso downward. Increase the composition of logi in fleets instead of having one super-logi take care of everyone’s needs, and eliminate superhero players in order to encourage more collaborate gameplay. High-end modules should give you a significant advantage, not immortality.