People still want walking in stations

If you think I am not aware of what anecdotal means, you are mistaken, but I have been around a long ass time and I HAVE anecdotally seen in game what I said to be true over the years, as I have been talking about this “within my sphere” since incarna.

It is clear that the general sentiment on these forums is that ccp are crappy devs with no hope of adding anything of meaning to the game in the future, that eve is a tiny little community of angry old men and should remain that way and that innovation would be the death of the game, due to the above reasons and the fact that the game is “too complex”. I am not buying it.

Something someone mentioned in the comments of my reddit post I really liked, a battle planning room for corps/alliances. I wanted to expand this a bit further and say, what if eve had a 3d powerpoint suite inside the client and corps/alliances could use this suite to create a battle plan and then brief their players with it. It could appear as a holographic 3d map above the table as well as be clickable to take you into a solar system map like screen that let you 3d explore each slide of the battle plan. Sounds rad af.

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Just go play GTA RP man…

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I would buy (in pre-order) the

  • Jita 44 PULSE Bar DLC
  • Caille Crystal Boulevard DLC
  • Cats Wihiskers DLC
  • Corporation Properties Furnishing Kit DLC
  • Planetary Industry Design and Management Kit DLC
    and many others …if it was a thing to buy from EVE Store :stuck_out_tongue:

Title needs changed to “People can’t learn or read.”

The remains of this horse have long desiccated, turned to dust, and blown away on the wind.

This isn’t beating a dead horse, this is trying to pound a crater into the ground where the horse originally died.

WIS is dead and gone. No amount of butt hurt tears and whining will bring it back. Accept it and move on already.

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