Personal configuration directories and files

Hello there!

Trying to go back to EVE Online with technical issues, I’ve tried to reinstall the game and, obviously, I’ve lost everyting about my configurations (UI positions, specific overview, notes, etc.).

I hope I have either old directories and/or a backup somewhere, but I can’t find where configuration directories and files were located on my computer
(I had a look to Client Preferences and Settings Backup - EVE University Wiki and understood that maybe it was in %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\ but there’s a mix of old and new files, and I’m afraid that the important ones have been overwritten during reinstallation…)
Do you know?


What you are looking for is a folder called “Settings_Default” within you will find a mess of .DAT files. I never used the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE" to find them. I did an explorer file search for; core_char*.dat and included hidden system folders too. Maybe you can find duplicates using the file search?

As far as I can tell you, core_char*.dat is your character’s personal settings and core_user*.dat is your account settings. When I finally got this interface looking readable by my standards, I made a backup of all the files in the Settings Default. I placed this new backup in my documents and zipped it, just to prevent the program from tampering with it. When they changed the launcher my settings were toast. I extracted that zip file and wrote over the folder, but some hardware settings didn’t work, those I had to reset manually.

.dat files in “Settings_Default” directories seem to definitely be what I’m looking for, thank you :slight_smile: I still have different directories like that, each actually corresponding to a different installation of the game in time… and backups. Then I believe I will solve my issue.

PS: it is too bad that we can’t read and modify everyhting in those .dat files by the way…

I think this is the most wanted tool for Eve Online since 2003. An easy way to copy paste UI settings over multiple clients and backup them.