Petition for Trig Invasion of JITA

I swear all the “iNvAdE jItA” posts are the equivalent of “huh huh wouldn’t it be cool herrrrr” edge boi memes.

Go back to arguing who’d win a fight between anime characters.

Did you know there’s a fan-made series called “Anime Wars”? There’s Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, Naruto, the gum-gum guy with the straw hat and others I don’t know about. The first episodes clearly show that the creator’s trying hard and over the episodes there’s clear improvement visible.

I quite like it, it’s extremely … superlative.

I am not surprised one bit.

Umm we know Akira wins hands down :slight_smile:

All the trade would move to Perimeter in one day. After Jita would be liminality.

Adapt and overcome. :laughing:

I can see the headlines now…
“Two Decade Old MMO Company Sets It’s Game On Fire And Walks Away”

You think wrong. Read any of the MERs.

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