“Off with his head” is always a good approach.
In any case, we need dates and times, numbers, names, fingerprints, dna samples, pictures, camera footage, compromising evidence, an exact timeline, and volunteers for a reconstruction.
“Off with his head” is always a good approach.
In any case, we need dates and times, numbers, names, fingerprints, dna samples, pictures, camera footage, compromising evidence, an exact timeline, and volunteers for a reconstruction.
You gave a new member director roles? One D ten T.
… And so she Yolo’d unprepared into the aggro range of the end-boss…
… And so she Yolo’d unprepared into the aggro range of the end-boss…
Imagine making a thread in C&P to complain about people doing mean things to you, and then insulting Kane in that thread lol.
This is the best evidence I could find since the chats are already closed.
You can see that Kingdom of Bretonia, founded by my boyfriend Prometheus is now CEO’d by Petrus who is also the sole member.
I’ve also included Petrus’ corp history which shows he has been in 10 corps since Sept 24th.
I’ve included my own history to show how I have been a member of Kingdom of Bretonia for my entire time in Eve Online, and only had to disband the corp yesteday to remake it due to the corp being hijacked.
You can see in his corp history that he was a member of Dr Wilson’s corp very recently
I am not a scammer. Calm down miner!
This is the Alliance description for Dr Wilson’s alliance. This is where I learned about his Corp Recruitment services which he demands 2b isk up front for.
So, the tldr is, you owe 2 billion isk and still haven’t paid? These wild accusations aren’t going to make the bill go away. You need to pay your debts!
I am telling the truth I swear
This is the Alliance description for Dr Wilson’s alliance. This is where I learned about his Corp Recruitment services which he demands 2b isk up front for.
wait. wait, wait, wait. You learned about the corp recruitment services from his alliance description? so you approached him, got upset about the price, kicked a director, accused them of being scammers, then made a thread about it? wtf is going on here lol
I didn’t approach him. We were told about him by Petrus. Petrus invited me to a conversation with him.
It wasn’t until I said no to the deal that Petrus stole all the corp shares. I can post email screenies between my BF and him after my classes finish. Inside the emails Petrus admits to stealing corp shares because we called the deal “sus”.
Am I looking at this right? You seemed to have posted evidence that some chick had alot of fun with her friends in the year 2007.
Seriously, I’m not really an experienced photobucket user so I could be doing something wrong, but WTF am I looking at?
Sorry fixed it
I must say if that was you and your friends you really smash the stereotype of who plays this game to pieces.
Anyways, I wouldn’t really call this concrete evidence of a scam or plot. It really appears that two parties allowed paranoia of being robbed to get the better of them leading to a breakdown of a relationship. It’s unfortunate, but it happens.
As a certified space lawyer for the New Order, I can assist in pursuing legal action against Petrus Justinianus and reclaiming lost corp shares for only a modest legal fee. Please send 100,000,000 ISK payable to Janncor Lennox for a consultation.
The pics are not me
if it was only distrust, he didn’t have to steal our corp
I mean he says he didn’t scam you right there lol.
also, why did he have a structure in your corp hangars that doesn’t make sense? if i’m reading that mail right, he didn’t steal your assets. I feel like theres more to all this than we’re getting here
He bought a POS and placed it in corp hangar. I don’t know why. My guess is that he wanted to gain our trust by showing he’s not afraid to contribute money and assets to the corp.
His placing a Raitaru in the corp hangar and his polite and nice personality are what made us trust him and make him a director.
After the deal went bad, he could have just taken his assets out if he was afraid we would cause him harm. Instead, he took his assets out and assigned himself all the shares in the corp.
So why did he assign himself all the shares in our corp? You think his intentions were pure?
Who are we supposed to believe?
If I am going to take advice, I will take it from Petrus Justinias, whose name seems very upstanding, rather than Cleopatra or Romanov, or whichever suspicious alt they are working under right now.
Yes I do admit that we were inexperienced and naïve. We trusted someone, and they stole our corp from us.
I guess you can argue I deserve it for being new.
In our new corp we have made sure to assign all shares to ourselves. We will also not be appointing any new directors, so we certainly learned from this.
My only hope now is that future corps who background check these two players will find this thread and make their own conclusions about them
A lot of people take the attitude that actions like this are evil. It is much healthier to consider them learning experiences. If nothing bad ever happened, you wouldn’t know what all the buttons and options even meant. One of the biggest nullsec alliances once got disbanded because they didn’t understand all the nuances of the interface - you have learned a very valuable lesson, at relatively low cost.
I don’t think any Human is evil. We all have the holy spirit in us. Just some of us let it guide us more than others.
I don’t want revenge or even an apology. I just want there to be a record so others can look these people up.
Had I not been more skeptical, I could have lost 3bisk instead of just a corp. He could have hurt us far more than he was able to.