The Hogs Collective started this fight. They first attacked Electus Matari, with no provocation, reinforcing multiple structures, in December of last year. They were incredibly unsuccessful in achieving any hard objectives, and declined all major engagements. In Feburary, Electus Matari retaliated, successfully prosecuting an attack against a structure used to provide Hog Hitmen with the legal requirements needed to continue their campaign of unprovoked, piratical wars. PNS participated in that war, but the Hogs Collective used one of their favorite tricks and switched all of their combat members into an alliance that was only a valid wartarget for Electus Matari. Despite this, Electus Matari easily defeated the hostile fleet with no assistance, as none could be given. No further targets were hit. Yet again, however, the Hog Collective attacked Electus Matari assets again in April, and again failed to be successful at this attempt. They took a single fight, and lost nearly all combat ships and failed to achieve anything other than costing Electus Matari forces some ammo.
Last week, and for the first time, Electus Matari went on the offensive and hit non-combat support structures of the Hog Collective. This decision was made without regard to the defensive war that Nanofiber Bolts was in. Their decision to likewise go on the offensive was independent. Indeed, you will see that other than some minor skirmishing, there has not been any direct combat coordination of the two forces. The Hogs Collective has made enough enemies with its unprovoked, piratical, baseless wars, that we don’t need to (and indeed, would not and did not) ask other forces hostile to us to assist in this. They choose to do it all on their own.