Well, obviously I’m able to, so it’s not that nothing can kill you, it’s that you (wisely) choose to go elsewhere when someone might, but you might as well (unwisely) choose to try anyway instead…
Yes, but that’s how it should be. If you’re unwilling to take the risk of being killed when I’m in system, you can of course try to go elsewhere instead. It’s then up to me whether I want to keep chasing you or not.
You say it as if you could easily get rid of me by just going away, but that’s not the case. You can easily get rid of me only if you go somewhere I’m not willing to go for some reason.
Not really. You still have the incentive to try to kill your target even if I’m around. I may fail to correctly predict your target, or not arrive in time, or not be able to stop you because you’re overkill, or be afk at the precise moment you do it… It’s not that you have no incentive, it’s that you’re (wisely ) unwilling to take the risk…
Your proposal would make it easier, yes, but it’s not like I cannot do it already. Why should everybody have to waste their time slow boating to the gate every time they want to jump just to make it easier for someone to sometimes kill someone else? Makes no sense to me.
What? Have you heard of Electus Matari, for example? Check them in game, their war history, this recent thread about their currently ongoing wars. Then check their killboard and tell me again that “there is no reason to take any risks leading to a difficult fight”…
Yes, some gates are “owned” or perma-camped by some pirate group, and hence do have a strategic significance both for them and for anyone that might want to break that camp for whatever reason.
Yes… If you do want to control any such system… Or are unwilling to let someone else do it…
It’s up to you to decide what’s worth for you to fight for. That’s not something CCP should decide for you. Or is it?
What does this have to do with having difficulty finding good fights or things worth fighting for? Why would you conflate those two things or even care whether mining is a worthwhile activity or not?
Fine, don’t mine then. I don’t mine either. So what?
Wait, what? I mean, no, really, WHAT? You started this thread because you have a hard time finding good fights and things worth fighting for, and it comes down to you would like to… what?
WTF does this have to do with everything being talked about before. You’re not asking for good fights here. You’re asking for miners to be more easily ganked so that mining “in a nice tanky procurer with a cloak and one ore laser” becomes a profitable activity…
No, it’s not. There is no challenge for CCP here, absolutely none. This is a problem you have, not a problem with the game, sorry.
If you want to gank miners because they’re the reason you cannot enjoy mining yourself, by all means do so, but don’t pretend CCP should make it easier for you to gank them just so you can kill more of them faster, thus making it more enticing for you to mine yourself. This is as wrong as those miners pretending CCP should make high sec safer so they can carelessly mine “in peace”…