Ganking has not gone far enough

I may not have graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Bafflegab Institute of Starship Engineering, but even I know that if you don’t adjust your impact calculations for shield polarity (and automatic reversal thereof by collision avoidance systems) you may as well just make something up, because your pseudo math will have no real life application.


Exactly, I have a hard time finding better fights. Seriously.

CONCORD shoots me, but nothing else seems able to do so, unless I deliberately handicap myself. You’ve chased me around before, and I just warp off and disappear across the galaxy. Unless I can kill you before CONCORD kills me, I’ve got no incentive to stick around. My proposal above would at least have given you more of a chance to catch me. I’m sure you would also have more fun, if I wasn’t having to flee from faction police.

I suppose the real issue here is that there are no meaningful objectives, at least that I’m aware of. There’s no reason to take any risks, leading to a difficult fight. For example, a gatecamp somewhere. Is there any strategic significance to that? Does it matter who controls one mining system or another? Why would I even waste my time trying to be listed among the thousand people that shot at a Titan? It seems like mindless content.

Sure, I could go to nullsec and gank miners, perhaps I will, but its more of a challenge in high sec. Meanwhile, I would like to see more meaningful content. I think if the game saw more destruction, and had less safety nets, mining might actually become a worthwhile activity. At that point, protecting my mining ship might even be enjoyable content. I’m not going to waste my time mining when the reward reflects a reality dominated by AFK bot fleets.

So I think, what it really comes down to, is I’d like to mine in a nice tanky procurer with a cloak and one ore laser. However, given the current value of ore, I can literally make more isk by spamming Jita local with requests for free isk. The only way this will change is for the safety net to be removed, and all the AFK miners get wrecked.

So I guess that’s really the gameplay mechanic challenge for CCP, is how do you entice me to start mining? Until you do, the only interesting thing left is to shoot miners and ask them why they are still doing it.

You are correct. Originally all ships landed at the autopilot range, but the game was dumbed down and simplified for people who complain. I propose we go back to the original system, because it would be more challenging.

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Yah, I’m a big supporter of that. The noob starter systems can be high sec, everything else should be converted to low sec (including Jita).

That one single change would IMMENSELY improve the quality of gameplay.


Maybe jita should have a bubble around the undock where it is safe but gates are free game. Though CCP will never do this.

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That should be interesting BUT scramblers and webs should be nerfed accordingly, or ganking would be too easy. Specially scramblers, as you press a button and it almost allways lands. Should be scalated with skill, maybe with own power , or target mass, etc

EVE could use some objectives. I know people love to say “EVE isn’t a collection of mini-games!” But if there are no rules or objectives the “sandbox” turns into a desert void of anything interesting. I wouldn’t mind seeing temporary events where corps compete for something.

Are you suggesting that the only two things someone can do in EVE are mine and kill miners?

Do you know why Jita is a massive trade hub? Because it’s in High-sec and safe. If CCP changed that it wouldn’t be a trade hub anymore because people would move to somewhere else that was safe.

Yes thats why I say they would not do it.

Well, obviously I’m able to, so it’s not that nothing can kill you, it’s that you (wisely) choose to go elsewhere when someone might, but you might as well (unwisely) choose to try anyway instead… :smile:

Yes, but that’s how it should be. If you’re unwilling to take the risk of being killed when I’m in system, you can of course try to go elsewhere instead. It’s then up to me whether I want to keep chasing you or not.

You say it as if you could easily get rid of me by just going away, but that’s not the case. You can easily get rid of me only if you go somewhere I’m not willing to go for some reason.

Not really. You still have the incentive to try to kill your target even if I’m around. I may fail to correctly predict your target, or not arrive in time, or not be able to stop you because you’re overkill, or be afk at the precise moment you do it… It’s not that you have no incentive, it’s that you’re (wisely :smile:) unwilling to take the risk…

Your proposal would make it easier, yes, but it’s not like I cannot do it already. Why should everybody have to waste their time slow boating to the gate every time they want to jump just to make it easier for someone to sometimes kill someone else? Makes no sense to me.

What? Have you heard of Electus Matari, for example? Check them in game, their war history, this recent thread about their currently ongoing wars. Then check their killboard and tell me again that “there is no reason to take any risks leading to a difficult fight”…

Yes, some gates are “owned” or perma-camped by some pirate group, and hence do have a strategic significance both for them and for anyone that might want to break that camp for whatever reason.

Yes… If you do want to control any such system… Or are unwilling to let someone else do it…

It’s up to you to decide what’s worth for you to fight for. That’s not something CCP should decide for you. Or is it?

What does this have to do with having difficulty finding good fights or things worth fighting for? Why would you conflate those two things or even care whether mining is a worthwhile activity or not?

Fine, don’t mine then. I don’t mine either. So what?

Wait, what? I mean, no, really, WHAT? You started this thread because you have a hard time finding good fights and things worth fighting for, and it comes down to you would like to… what?

WTF does this have to do with everything being talked about before. You’re not asking for good fights here. You’re asking for miners to be more easily ganked so that mining “in a nice tanky procurer with a cloak and one ore laser” becomes a profitable activity…

No, it’s not. There is no challenge for CCP here, absolutely none. This is a problem you have, not a problem with the game, sorry.

If you want to gank miners because they’re the reason you cannot enjoy mining yourself, by all means do so, but don’t pretend CCP should make it easier for you to gank them just so you can kill more of them faster, thus making it more enticing for you to mine yourself. This is as wrong as those miners pretending CCP should make high sec safer so they can carelessly mine “in peace”…

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Well, there’s always the forums…


No, I mean, I really have no incentive. I can barely muster the desire to even log into EVE, and the only thing that motivates me is knowing that the next miner I gank might say something so amusing that it’s worth all the trouble and time.

I find that offering to sell them a mining permit will often prompt an interesting response. If that doesn’t work, a cheerful Praise James will generally do the trick.


Exactly. If we kill enough miners, then the few miners who survive will be the elite miners, and finally there will be interesting content. It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Except for that whole having shields thing, which physics knows nothing about yet as humans don’t know how to make them.

We don’t need to know how to make shields. We can just buy them from the Greys.

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More roleplaying?

No, this isn’t the roleplaying forum. Shields are real man, welcome to the 21st century.

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Cool. Post a video of it having a railgun shot at it and deflecting the projectile.

Exactly our point. It’s not gonna stop my interceptor either, and the freighter dies.

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So all railgun rounds should punch right through shields too by your logic. Caldari ships are going to need a buff.

No, no buffs for Caldari. They believe in a free market, they can buy something else.


Explanation needed.

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